Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Supercalifragilisticaspialidocious ;p

Hahaha. Eh, just today i went to the mall and watched LOVE IS CINTA loh. You know, it was so weird at first, i didn't really get into it, but there are scenes that made me cry in the theatre while watching and IT WAS SO TERRIBLY SAD! ada scene yang "ryan"nya (as doni) dipukulin gitu sm bokapnya. and you know what, he reminds his dad about his broken backbone when he was 10 because his dad was hitting him really hard. and he kept the wood that the dad was playing on in the hitting. then, he showed the wood, and he said (in indonesian) "kayu ini patah, saking kerasnya papa pukul saya!" and it hits my heart yknow, the tears just fell upon my face (uuu, so dramatic wasn't it?) . but there are scenes that also made me wanna throw up. like that scene where they are FLYING (you can't believe it rite? me niether, the minute that i saw that it just rolled my eyes). but overall it was good. nothing suprising sih. but it's the only indonesian movie that made me cry a lot.

oyeah, about school. it was all wrapped in one word


see ya later, gudbye : )

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