Monday, July 30, 2007


O-MY-GRAVY, today's the best day so far in my highschool journey. this day, is the day i would like to call second highschool memories year 1. guess what? we talked! well, not so much things but, we talk about his school, about ROMEO & JULIET! isn't it rowmahntic ?! so yeah. thanks a lot to IVII/ivana/CIE CIE, i have the guts to speak. wiihiii. but sorry iv, i dont have the guts as well as the heart, to CALL or SMS, as you told me to. even if it's for english. she told me to call him to ask about the homework. and yes, i have so much homework on the book that i just borrowed, to kill a mocking bird. as you guys who has read the book know, it is about discrimination. and it is, the topic i like. it also refers to the social work i'm doing. and i am soo happy that i can join in again! also, i have choir too for this sunday. i have a report due tomorrow about Al-quran. AND I HAVE BOUGHT HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS! i know it's kinda late, but i just bought it. so yeah. the problem is that i have to read another book for school. and thanks to gabe, i know what guys usually read, so i can bring up the topic about books when i chat wit him. YAY. so tomorrow's another day. nandra's frickin happy cus she'll be in the same class as her "he". and i'll be in the same class as my "he". YAY. we're both in love.

and i have been talking about my "planning" for my 17th bday bash. i'll invite BONDOC and JOE BROOKS to be the guest star. and i'll invite anya's boy. promise her that. and eiw. but, sorry. it's not ganna happen like that. it will probably like, a normal 17th bday party.

sooo, not in the mood to give "... of the day". but here's the thing, i'll give u a sentence.

everyone's the same.

keep that in mind, and ciao ;]

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