Sunday, January 20, 2008

yesterday's bomb

not a bomb, just a bombastic huge confusion that makes you go "what??" ha ha, exaggerate deh filzaaa. well no. jayus men.

yesterday i went out with my parents, before, i was making peace with my daddy, since dya marahan sm gue for the score thingy, akhirnya balik lagi. yesterday tadinya mai makan sop kaki di kartika plaza, tp habis. ih males lah. and as always, my dad asked questions abt food continuously sampe i have to "ayolah pak, make up your mind" and he answers "ya emang kamu maunya apa sih dee?" trus "apa aja yang penting maKan, aku laper. mauu pizzaaaa" trus "ah jgn siang2 aja, ntar aja selingan. mau k sabang?" aku "boleh lah apa aja, aku laper bgt nih" yaudah, sampe kota, baru ketemu the old tempat soto madura yg udh lamaaaaaaaa banget, akhirnya MAKAN.

trus katanya mau k glodok beli ac, but ruang tv. tp g jadi2, turns out, we went to electronic city, lumayan lah, bisa k food courtnya. trus beli quickly. and that's the thing. my dad is a huge quickly fan, but he never wanted to buy it himself, instead, he ask me to buy them. tp gpp sih, untungnya k gue jg. tp tetep aja, emg g cape apa naik turun. kalo di tengah jalan, "eh mau beli quickly ah" itu yg tadinya masih deket binus, udh arah mau pulang, mesti muter balik k carfur lebak bulus. oh man, what a great life.

anyways, g jadi beli ac, katanya belom ada yg cocok. yaudah, arah pulang, me and my dad wanted to see pak harto, hehe. we've been there twice plus one more, just to see the atmosphere. before i got into rspp, we saw these group of police, trus my dad said "loh? kok? pak harto meninggal?? pak harto meninggal?? wah wah" mama "engga mas, paling demo penggusuran" trus masih banyak lg convo yg aneh2. trus we got into rspp. it was a HUGE amount of journalists and cameramen and reporters and CAMERAS. that was waiting for anyone to come out. and i passed thru them, and the first thing that i thought is "that's a life" in the lobby, i can hardly pass thru quickly, so we had to be so slow, and people were watching us, i meant the wartawan. wartawannya lebih banyak dr yg kemaren. trus we passed thru the antena vans, where they have the pemancar for each channels, and we chat with the trans tv reporters, that said pak harto membaik. weii. then out of rspp.

soon, we saw the penggusuran pasar ikan itu, udh bersih gt. it was pretty good, but kasian the pedagang ikan, they're like stranded in a smal place gt. it's not strategic either. yaudah, trus pulang, malemnya i had my lesson.

today my parents had pilkada. bye

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