Monday, December 31, 2007

bali pt.2

so the second part, yeah. and correction, the previous post was 2.5 days, i forgot something, so me and nandra's fam went to this air suci place, where they pray and stuff. and it was sooo cultural, the water was so clear i mean i can't believe there's still some water like that, and i can't really explain how they put together their beliefs and their culture for centuries. and i figured that it was also the majapahit palace, the home of my house! haha. it was my first time seeing that buah maja, and it was so BIG, i can tell ya that. yea, so eat and back to the hotel.

i forgot ya, if not mistaken, the 3rd or 4th day, i saw this guy at breakfast, he was too cute. and so he was ufor the omelette. and then he took so long, so me and nandra decided to get some omelette too. before we order for some omelette, he frikkin left! and at night, we were out of the room, to catch some air. and we went to the front office, i forgot what happened after that, but i do remember we ended up seeing that guy playing basketball in front of the lobby's elavator with these guys. then, we've pressed the lift button, and when it was opened, nandra and me thought that " do u wanna stay?" "sure." and so we sat on the sofas, and they left. we saw them going to the first floor. which is the pool. ok, so the first floor is like this. there's a corridor next to the lift, it was hardly noticed. and we were going around the pool to check and they were not there. we go back to the cafe in front of the elevator to take some pictures with the frozen santa haha. and we hear the basketball sound... and there he was! haha. what a great way to trace. and we have to pass the front of the corridor, to go up. and i dont wanna! it was so embarrasing. nandra wanted to, but i dont. and so we walk to the pool, to get lost, and turns out it was raining, so we ran to this billiard room and went up. we sat on the sofas again and they were going out of the lift! and we lost them again. they went to the games room(billiard room) it was scary there, so i dun wanna go. we promise we wanna stay till 11.11, but then we forgot and watch movie in the room. and nandra ask me what time i said "11.09, 2 minutes" and we were watching harry potter, and nandra ask again "fi, what time is it again?" "uuum, 11.24.. uh-oh!" "fiieeeeee!"

to be continued..

Sunday, December 30, 2007

the return pt.1

halah sok title movie aja the return. just got back from bali, not that sad to leave bali cus i really miss my neighborhood friends :p but anyways, i had a marvelous time in bali! yes, i got sunburn without putting on sunscreen, hehe. sorry mom. but i had a fun time. so the first day, the plane was delayed, and let me say that again, delayed. for 2 freakkin hours, so i got there at 1.30 in the friggin morning. we got there and TA-DA these french-es made me lost in my sleepy atmosphere. the second they talk, nandra immediately said : he's french!

haha, so the next day, i already plan something with yella, but surprisingly she couldn't be there, i hate you for that yella :( however, i asked jo to come too with his honey bunny (ah norak gua) jen to see meet @ starbucks, sebelum tau yella g bakal dtg. well, moving on. akhirnya jo sudha nunggu lama di starbucks, trus we went to the beach, trus jen sm jo di pasir aja bedua! aaa lucu, while me and nandra were playing and taking photos (btw i still regret i didn't take picture on the sands with jo and jen, nan) haha, so we're kinda bored with the trashes around, (man you cannot believe how i hate garbage on beautiful place like the beach) and so i said, i want to buy sandals, cus i'm wearing plastic shoes that my mom told me to bring. and the search for the sandals begin. halah, sok official. anyways, after walking in the rain, sorry peeps, i finally got my sandals. and the search for the meal begin. we're so grikkin starving, trus sampe jauuuuuuuh bgt g dapet2. akhirnya muter balik ujan2an k kuta square. dan masih ada 1 choice of restaurants, and definitely not affordable. jadinya makan MCD and i'm lovin' you! haha. yaudah, disuruh pulang soalnya macet, jadinya nungu di kuta paradiso sm jo and jen. and i got home and eat i guess. and soo, the next day, we went to ubud, and shop! shopping day with nandra was soooooooooo fun. and i spent a lot of money too, hehe. but i bought a really cute dress, uggh, i can't get enuf of it. and then go eat and eat. oyeah, we went to kintamani too, the view is blocked by fogs. and they have good pisang goreng too!

enuf for my first 3 days, i'll continue later. see ya later !

Saturday, December 22, 2007


huhh. i havent been posting for quite a while. and so many things has been going on in a while. like my report, asian idol results, bali, and stuff.

my report
so i got BAD for my math. if you ask me i'll answer, just not here. it's so stupid the way they gave us our reports. it makes you stop and think and say "why is it so hard for you guys just to give us the alphabet score?" out loud. i mean, it's a semester report, not a score board. gosh! that way parents would have trouble finding our semesetr grades. so i think it's time for the school to realize that calculation is not only students' job , but teachers' as well. i know it's pretty hard for them to see the scores without them, but would it bother you to just type A B C or D? man. one more problem, i told my mom, grounded by my mom, hurt by my mom, for my grades. but my mom promise to keep it away from my dad, so then he wont be pissed. and i can go to bali. - the truth is, i'm not even allowed to be online rite now :P

asian idol
i hate to say thin but, i hate hady winning. i mean he's an indo, and he's fighting for singapore. duuuude, you can't even sing good. but slowly i got over it. but just so kno, i'm in LOVE iwth batisah. i dunno why, me and anya are true fans of asian talents. and we love batisah so mucho, haha. we're a duet.

YAY BALI! that's all i can say :p

cya. till the next post BUH BYE :P

Monday, December 10, 2007

confession (?)

i realize that this past few months of highschool, i was not paying attention in certain subjects. which are really important because daddy already spoken about things in highschool that needed for college. and this is now. i dont know, it's not like i'm having fun all the time, but math is just not my thing. i reckon that my thing is talking, talking as in having ajob that talks all the time. maybe that is my strength. as i have been called, i talk a lot, that's why i wanna host. i talk a lot, because i always dream of being on stage. i talk a lot so then i can be friends with everybody, well plus being nice to everyone. as far as i know, i dont make people suffer when they hear me talking. they even laugh for some of them. i like to make people happy. i wanna be a teacher, at least a motivational teacher (so i dont have to read more) i need this communication to people. but maybe that's just for college. it's so hard when u want to focus on something, but to reach that something we nee to go into a big pile of homeworks, of subjects, that we dont wanna do. i am ready for specific majors. maybe next year will get better, since we will choose. so i dont have to do science. i just want to do service on my own, without making reflections, cus i know eher i'm going and i know what i've improved and everything. i wanna be a social worker.

big dreams, filza.

Friday, December 7, 2007

over. over 3568x

it's finally over . . .



Thursday, December 6, 2007

vomitted brain

ONE DAY TO GO, PEOPLE! yes, one day, and i'm DOOONNNEEE! D-O-N-E DONE!

tomorrow's natcur, and business! the most comfortable subject, and kurnas. people thinks kurnas is BAD, cus they have a package of all 3. but for me it's all fine, i never get bugged from it anyway, so why worried?

i'm not studying btw, watching heroes. hihiii. gtg, heroes, filza

Monday, December 3, 2007

i'm failing math

td pas math test, banyak abis yg g diisi, my mom knew, td agak dimarain

ohwell, still have 4 days to go.


Saturday, December 1, 2007


i finally work on my math for exam. which is the least desired activity for me! and IT! i hate them so much, but have to take them all in the first day. poor me.

i've done some equations. i actually did good in some topics, but still kagok in logarithm, maaan i hate it so mucho baby. there's a bunch of rules, mixed with a bunch of weird equations. how sad.


DECEMBER 1, 2007

and plus the nuclear thing, i disagree (thx to nandra for explaining).

let us heal the world. still thinking of narnia, filza.

Friday, November 30, 2007

narnia part.2

in this production, we had fun finding "funny" quotes from the show

jazz's line : do you want some milk??

jd one time, jazz salah ngomong. instead of that, he said "do you got some milk??" haha, trus yesterday at the bus, we tried narnia in bahasa. "lo mau susu?" and since then, we made "susu aslan" haha. trus we made susu aslan story, the susu aslan ad. haha. trus we made gimmie more bahasa : "nambah nambah dong, nambah dong, nambah nambah doong" haha

we sing along the way to GKJ. it's so fun, haha. all the high school musical combined with boys like girls. haha.

another :

me : juuuul, kita kembaran niiiiih!
julian : apaan?
me : rambutnya, wig lo asik abis (wig afro) !
julian : haha, oya. (pre handshake)
(trus pas dress rehearsal at school)
mr.c : filza, u're gonna wear a blue wig?
me : what? (he left) he's joking rite? i think so. oh well.
(at dressing room, GKJ)
me : juuul! kita kembaran! yea
(a moment later)
mr.c : (talking) heyy, i bought a blue wig for filza
filza : *speechless*

the blue wig was okay, i look like hannah montana. first, it was so freaky, but it was awesome.

there was countless great moments in the production of narnia. I LOVE YOU GUYS! filza.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

do you want some milk?!

OMG, narnia's finished... ;(

i cant believe how the tears and laughs were paid off. we did our thing, BABY! first, i wanna say thank you for the WHOLE cast & crew, and second, my SATE in narnia, JAZZ, ELLE, TASYA! i loooooooove you honey bears (eew) fine then, honey bitch, haha. kidding. thanx to my favorite dancers KENMAYA & EZRA. and NANDRA, you look so fine, baby! sonia & sutan, best beavers ever. and everyone in the cast, the pevensies, the dancers, the actors, ALL OF YOU! MR.C TOO!

i had SO MUCH FUN! i love love love those times (you know what). and my wig ;(

i'll continue tomorrow, my mum's mad, filza.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

it's MAGIC.

hey guys, it's almost 2 am, and i just finished my service essay YAY. i di sleep for a few hours, so it's notthat bad. today i have dress rehearsal, and tomorrow the dress & tech. OMG, i feel like bungee jumping, but so what? it's 2 days from the show. and i just recieved my exam booklet. i got math for my first exam! dammit. i was in the graduation today, and peter has this "cool" speech. it's not boring, but people say it's "attention" that he wanted. me n my friends are planning to go to bandung, when i told my mom and talk about it as a "small talk" she thinks it's the final. I DIDNT KNOW. she's weird. because of the bali thing, she's into "organized" stuff. uggh, how sick. haha. oyea, i got a class picture w/ ms.arlene :

i think that's it. i'll post a little bit later. i need va-ca-tion, filza

Sunday, November 25, 2007

fresh new layout

this is the one. it's so cute, but rockin'. like it too? TAG!

the trip is off

i just got a bad news, the trip was off. my parents dont want me to go to bali for some logical reasons. but i, myself, dont wanna go after a while of thinking, yeah. but i still have chances, but later.

today, my family went to this event, from my dad's old company. it was cool, but tiring, aaannndd boring.

so gtg, service essay. i need some spotlights, filza.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

exaggerated destiny

see, i'm posting again. that's because i have nothing else to do. well, lazy to do anything, to be exact. i just got a new calculator, thx ma, pa. i promise not to lose it again. today's rehearsal was unexpected. i dunno why, i just felt it.

today i ordered nasi goreng sifut (seafood/hidangan laut) dr dpn skolah, expecting that they can do delivery ( it'sjust accross the street). they do, and people were not listening to me that that restaurant has good food. and when i was eating them, people keep asking for more. hate to say that i told you so. haha, love it when i do that ;p

well anyways, i'm bored with my itunes. at this point of time, i do not have an excitement of listening, i need something, but i dunno why.

i was checking on my facebook like, for hundreds of times today. i still have service essay submission, i havent even done the editing!

gtg, destiny calling ;p


omg, long time no post, baby! my monitor kinda suck these past few days. and bcus of that i got in trouble too. anyways, it's just days before the NARNIA show. i've seen my costume, it's a dress, like a babydoll dress, it's blue. blue doesnt look good on me. oh well.

2 days ago @ 2.45, in homeroom, mr.c came up to me and say
mr.c : filza, in this exact time next week, u'll be getting ready for the first show
filza : ohyeah, i'll be waiting in the wings ;))

cant believe lohh, that we've come on a long way to the stage. the play is getting much much better. and finally garren can be serious, he is good. i have new friends, and a new brother. haha. jazz made this "geng" yang aneh gt, he named it geng SATE. haha, aneh.

my and my friends in class made this so-called society too. the retardos. haha. well it's like this, yella just knew what retard means, and she use it periodically ever since, so yeah, there it goes. and yesterday, the rest of the members put me in the FIRST number #1! they say "fi, u're the most retarded in the group". what can i do, cant deny the fact. by the way, it's filza, naida, michi, and yella of course.

that's all i have time for. til next time. nervewrecking week, filza.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


u know, this post's title is pretty cool, I.M.I.S.S.U. that's actually a nicole (that bootylicious singer who sang baby love) 's song. it was cool, heard the part like, "I.M.I.S.S.U" yeah, only that part. haha. but it was good.

anyways, day by day, i kinda miss my bro. well i've missed him all these times sih, but no it feels like, ring a bell, he's not in his room next to mine for such a long time, which is quite obvious, cus i hijacked his room for a little while.

yeah, so i the narnia schedule is really tight (and when i say "really", i mean super!), this week is a 6 pm week, and next week is the 7 pm week. and we're almost there.

and YOU KNOW, i just found out that me and my friend's picture is in a magazine. this magazine called ANEKA YESS! eeww, but having me inside, is cool. anyways, the poem was in the shot of kyle signing cds. i LOVE it. thx to the mbas.

so i think that's it then. dont wanna waste the blog's space. haha (like it's limited).

having a great time in doing her stuff, filza.

Monday, November 12, 2007

heyy guys

i'm like, extremely tired rite now. i just got home like, 8.30. not because of the traffic sih, but still. but anyways, lets not foget the hard work we've done so far. my eyes are trying to close down.

i guess i'm not meant to post so much today. so, gtg lay back

sleepy, filza.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

me & you..

u guys must thought that this post will be about a "guy", well it's not.

at this point of time, i'm watching the music video of cassie "ME & YOU", haha, gotchaaa..

anyways, i'm in the mood of listening to smooth jazz, dunno why. i have a weird day today, i'm up and down. i'm moody (just for today)

some things happen today, everything really. and i'm in the mood of "ceeeelebrate good times, come on!" yeeheee ;p see the weirdness?

let's not forget mtv has click five on tonite ;p

i'm tired, gtg read ronggeng dukuh paruk, bahasa thing.

all that jazz, filza.

Monday, November 5, 2007

family jewels

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyy, so. i love this new show called GENE SIMMONS FAMILY JEWELS. some of you guys might know this show, from channel [V]. and to be honest with you guys, i'm in love with a rockstar's son. and that is nick simmons the cute guy from the show. hehee

he's exactly my type of a rockstar ;p
(not the dad)

i found some kyle pictures when he was still in the old band

he has always likes vests ;p

hari ini gue agak banyak mendapatkan kesialan :
-telat masuk, sok2 berani lewat belakang without even remembering that jalan panjang macet sampe langit.
-g dapet stock hape dr fajar.
-g dapet recess dr zaidan! trus langsung test bio
-dateng2 narnia, scene gue g di rehearse
-trus kan kmrn beli dvd apocalypto, this thing about tribes. jadinya kan bahasanya bahasa tribal gt, udh aneh, g jelas lagi. and the people are abnormal, hehe. eh, trus main menunya g bisa diputer, jadinya mesti satu2 scene, pertamanya gpp deh. eh, pas ntn ternyata subtitleny g bisa dirubah! MAMPUS. soalny bukan dari main menu mainin filmnya. yaudah deh, dengerin si mas2 suku ngomong NAHABATUHAGUHA apalah itu gtau sampe kyk 20 menitan gt (itu aja udh dicepet2in) langsung cabut dvdnya.

yeah so just writing to tell u those, and beginning to loathe all types of sciences, filza.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


omg! my mum so aduhin deh. today is the shopping day for my bro. i hated it.

i'm watching ugly betty 2b, OMG, IT'S SO COOOOOOL!

and my dad made me fill his mp3 player up, so i was kinda busy this afternoon. he's leaving like, on tuesday so, i dont mind that.

and tomorrow i have physics and bio.

still driving myself crazy, filza.

Friday, November 2, 2007

hey you

so i just got home, from thriller. quite frankly saying, the party was kinda messed up and a liiitle uncomfie, no offense to the committee. but! it was fun i should say, i mean i had fun (even tho i was screaming with my friends alone, with everyone staring at us) heehe.

so today i had fun with the ladies, i mean friends. but i was hoping a little bit more ;p

happy reading, filza.


hey dudes & dudettes, its 6 in the morning

i hate to say that the math thing is fucked up, i cant answer q.2. altho, it's beginning to be more fun by the presence of the cotume party!

i gtg to school. i'll see ya later.

eat me alive, fie.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


yeayeayea, i have this math investigation tomorrow, all i could say is : been there, done that, hate to go back!

well, we have this thing at school on friday night, called thriller. it's the costume party, it's actually a halloween party but since his royal highness mr peter saidi monster of binus didnt want those scary things, so we change it to a costume party. so i know wat i'm gonna wear, just the veil cus i wanna wear a veil. i got bored of mask so, yeah. although, i need to make the veil, cus i have the nets, and the bando, but i wanna make it myself since it is hard to find one. it's black tho, i love it.

hey, i'm watching gossip girl, it's coller than i thought, it has those mysterious kinda thing.

see ya for now, i guess. still thinking of kyle, filza.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007




everything from a to z is posted in nandra's blog. you can link from my blog. thx hunee, my nandraaa.

anyways, i put his picture and mine on my desk, next to my dearest people's photos. i LOVEEE YOU!!!

and guess what?? i just knew that the poem i made with nandra DIBACAAAA

kyle baca, trus ada fans "hi, how're ya" trus baca lagi trus "hi" lagi baca lagi. trus dya bisikin BEN!! trus ben kasih k JOE! TRUS JOE KASIH K ETHAAAAAAN, TRUS ETHAN KASIH K JOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!

thank you godddd! ;)

peace out, filza. at school, doing my lousy thing while thinking of kyle patrick ;]

Saturday, September 22, 2007

oh crap

yaoloooh, betapa capenya guaaa. tua dijalan tadi, udh kriput2. gila tuh, hari bebas kendaraan bermotor is killing moi and my fella humans. maan, macet dimana2 tadii. tp gpp lah, nyebelin abiis, td hampir mau beli baju banyak gt, eeeh, g ada ukran yg pas. jdnya cuman beli jaket hood 1 biji. padahal bokap gue belanjaan udh kyk apaan. akhirnya, full-assessments-on-a-week week ended. but there are still a few, including that pkn test i havent done. but i still have work to do, i have service thiing, then the buka puasa thiing, then the narnia thiing, and the tests. udh ah

see ya peeps, peace.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

11 september !

on this particular day..

people died on a memorable event..


the beloved family, the citizen of the world.

hey guys, today was such a tiring day for me. i haaave, 2 assessment tasks, and 1 project due today, and it's not even finished yet, urrgghhh mygawd. but i'm free now, and i'm telling you, how much i want to EAT! sooo, i'm gonna eat now, cya guys!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


aaaaaaaaaa, g dapet arisan lagi! bete ;(

but puasa is a way to nabung2, YAY!
LAPER, makan ah! peace .V.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


duuuuuuuuuude, so tired. this morning i went for narnia practice and went to PIM, then i went home. oyeah, i did some arts too. which probably in the level of terrible. but i dont care, it's still mine rite? sometimes amateurpieces could be masterpieces too. hehe. so, how's ur days guys? i have a month of terrifying assessments, and horrible homeworks. oh boy, i'm sooo done after that. i mean, what kind of stupidly idiotic school would do that? oyeah, mine is.

mmm, i wanna give this message to nandra :
nan, i cant read anything from your blog, i think it's weird, the box is just so small. u need to fix it, honey.

i ate a lot today. i eat a lot most of the time tho, oh well. i just exercise, nooo worries. and we were searching for bules today, and guess what, yella said :
"eh, bule tuh"
DAN TERNYATA bulenya bapa2 tua kepala botak dengan rambut disamping sedikit (model2nya djagoara) gendut kyk hamil 5 bulan, hehe. sorry mister, haha.

and do u wanna know what garren ordered for hokben today for lunch :
1 chicken katsu or sumthing (pokoknya those gorengan in hokben)
1 more menu, i think teriyaki or sumthin
1 rice
1 aqua
1 coca cola
1 tori popcrn
1 caramel pudding
2 salads

duude, u're crazy (if u're reading, garren). makan di badminton court udh kyk makan di restoran. haha.
tomorrow ada arisan. hope i got the mney, crossing my fingers. and for my friends who wanted to go bike-riding, i'm sorry guys, i cant do it tomorrow.

gtg.peace ya!


meeen, udh lama bgt gue g ngepost. i have narnia practise, i'm going soon. so, i'll post later when i get abck.

peace yo.

Friday, August 31, 2007

i'm bored

i just had a stomach ache today. i dunno, this morning, i ate "pala ikan", IT'S SOO SPICY! yaammpuun.

yaudah deh. bosen nih, bye

Sunday, August 26, 2007

run and tell that!


heyy peeps! one thing, HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 is soo gay! the middle part i mean. mygawd! the middle part, when zac sang bet on it, is superfrickinlyunexpectedlyultimatelyextraordinarily GAY! see? it sucks for some reason. i just like the beginning. like, 3 songs i can dance to. mmm, watching reign over me, but the dvd ngadat!!! adohh, lagis eru2nya. it's kinda good at the start.

mm, gotta go exercising. make new moves, BYE ;]

Saturday, August 25, 2007


helloo. i'm soo happy today. but i felt a little bit dizzy when i was in the car. so yea, today i went shopping wit mom, eat dipiggir jalan, makan mie ayam. trus dengerin papah marah2 sma abang, kasian deh. mmm, listen to plenty of music, watch tv. and some other stuff. mm, i dunno, ive been a music addict these days. and dancing and musical addict. ask anya, everytime i said "brb" i must've been dancing or singing. and need no disturbance. i've been practicing the dance of HAIRSPRAY it's pretty hard, but i've work on it. at elast i got to exercise. soo, i had fun.

i have to do sumthin. BYE ;]

Thursday, August 23, 2007


weiiii, MAJAPAHIT won 2nd place! well, MATARAM got the first, but at least SRIWIJAYA got the 3rd. they're like, 5 points below us. fiuhhh. anyways, choir is coming up, it's like.. the song is so HARD. and when i say hard, i mean HARD, yeah, HARD. just today, DJing with gino, or should i say DJ GINO, we're like, the DJs for sahabat sekar. but mine and sarie's motto is still, WISE & LOGIC, even tho we like to be "unfunny" or in other words, jayus abiyus. haha, nambah2in. me and nandra's on a mission to search my own ed cullen, too bad she got one (but ithink he's not that hot, instead i think i'd rather put him on my gay list, sorry). i do have a "candidate", but he's like a guy at my school, i use to like him but not anymore, sok tau bgt. but somehow he's perfect for ed, nandra agreed lohh. i have physics due tomorrow! and i left the paper in my locka. ARRRGGGHHH! naida just said there's a hw for BI! for god's sake, i cant understand binus can give such as many HOMEWORKS!

oya, td blajar origami lohh, sm yella. FINALLY, i can make the bird thingy. heheee. and there's a bad new the other day, someone died in the family, i love her. but no, it's not my mom. but i couldnt go to medan for the funeral, i have to stay. i'm kinda shocked, but then i got over it. oyea, gotta wear uniform toms.

gtg, BYE ;]

Monday, August 20, 2007


tomorrow's school's own ind. day celebration. i know it's gonna be FUUUN! i joined fill the eel contest, too bad the dletter's gonna join too. urrgghh. but my mom taught me how to hold an eel, it's gross, but FUN.

just today, i was informed that WE ARE IN THE FINALS! but then k hari will be really strict. cus he wants us to be at least in the 3rd place, i hope we will be ;p i know there's hope *ada cahaya dr langit* *tadaaa* i have to drink this stupid juice now. oiya, today, me & michi made this group called MANHUNT. i know it sounds weird but it was actually popped when yella says "manhunt" then we're like.. confused. but then we act out this weird action. [you know, what popeyes do when he shows his muscles, or when people shows their muscles. yeah, that] and we start doint it, and it's FUN. and me, michi, and yella made MAMMA MIA TOO. haha, aneh deh.

yasud. i should go. byyyyeeee ;]

Sunday, August 19, 2007


sooo tired! just got home from the choir competition. huuuh~ byk bgt yg bagus! we're like amazed for a few seconds. but i had FUN. ngejayus sm sari sma michelle, ngomongin ituuh, dletter. trus abis perform jalan2 sm neta ma am sm sari dan michelle, plus the guys. oya, ada kjadian konyol :

neta : "yaampun, itu ada apa!"
(smua org langsung menghadap k TV)
neta : "bukan, ituu, di bajunya ka marsel!"
(langsung smua)
beberapa orang : "ituu, ituu, bintaaang AAA!"
(trus andru sambil teriak2 ngumpet diblakangnya ivan)
diliatin orang lagih, malu2in aja.

trus juga, pas baru dtg. kan ada mas2 yg jadi robot patung itu. trus, ivan yg main2, malu2in deh. haha. trus ngejayus sm sari, dasar aneh. trus sambil nunggu dipanggil. di backstagem foto2 sambil ngobrol. eh, mas mcnya lg tes2 mic.

aldio : "wahh, british bgt tuh, SATYU, SHATYU, SAHTYU"
trus mas2nya pake angkat tangan kyk mau doa. trus si aldio mengopi dengan versi nidji. haha.
(setelahh beberapa saat)
mc : "mba2, ini bacanya koir, khoir, ato apa?"
gue : "(choir) kuaier, kuaier!"
mc : "ohh, ok"
gue : "kembaran lu tuh al! haha."
(si aldio ngeliatin bingung sambil ketawa)
(sambil kita liatin dya duduk dengan spatu sedikit hak, dan baju alibabanya merah-putih)
hahaha, smua org.
pas dipanggil
ms : "inilah sma bina nusantara, binus khoier... (bla3x)"
smua tertawa. hahahah. mas2, udh diajarin to.

trus kan si alika harus pergi gr2 dya ada show. trus asistennya nyamperin gitu.

sari : "itu syapa ya fi?"
gue : "asistennya kali"
sari "asik bgt! gue juga mau."
gue : "gue juga kalee."
sari : "eh, gue ada dong. supir gue, bodyguard gue."
gue : "haha, itu palingan asistennya managernya"
sari : "hah?"
gue : "manajernya nyokapnya! iya, kyk mama mia gt "mamaku, menejerku!""
sari : "loh alika ikut mama mia? ohh, itu mama mia namanya itu, tapi g nyambung, mamanya sih nyambung, tapi mianya apa ya, MENEJERKU? aneh."
gue : "bukaaaaaaaan, aduh!"
sari : "ohh maksudlo mottonya, gue pikirrr.. eh kita ikut mama mia yuk"
gue : "haha, ayok. loh, bajunya..?"
sari : "waaw, sahabat alika, gue mau tuh, ikut yu fii"
gue : "haha, aneh. ayuyuu."
sari : "eh ngga dong, gue mau bikin sahabat SARI, secara artis gt."
gue : "aneh lu sar. haha"
sari : "ngga ah, kurang seru. sahabat SEKAR"
gue : "mau gue bajunya. haha"
(setelah beberapa saat)
sari : "gue jg mau mobil gue ada fotonya ah!"

dasar sari aneh, tapi kita nobatkan hari ini jayus-day. yangga sar? dr namanya aja udh jayus. haha.

hari yg aneh. smoga masu final.
yasud lah. we did good kok. BYE ;]

Saturday, August 18, 2007

bum tenonet.

eh2, i forgot to say. i found a new artist! stephen speaks is so cool!

Until we sing, we will write
We will laugh away the night
And the good times will never end
When we meet again~


mm, i just got back from shopping for choir wit mom, bfore that i went for practice at school. and tomorrow's the day. hope we'll get to the finals. oya,


mmm, cant wait for the ind. day celebration at school. i know it's gonna be so much fun. and my electricity drops oftenly. maybe that's because of me. *smirk* and i called my brother this morning - well, i do it every weekend morning - and i just realized that every saturday morning i called, he always go to the movies the next day with his friend, the japanese guy who has a car. haha. (maklum, belom dapet mobil yg bener dya, nebeng melulu) he just got his first sallary so yeah. but still, i also wanna go to the movies every weekend! besides, it's cheaper here! ohya, i went biking wit irdam, fajar, and alex yesterday. we went to ariani's house. it was so much fun! we wanted to swim, but i dont wanna go home naked! lol, so is fajar, he's like, so weird. and we taught him how to play congklak. ANCUR MEN! next time i'll shoot a video of him playing congklak. masukinny satu2 pake 2 tangan, bukannya satu. but then i got home dimarain. katanya "fii, kamu kan baru beberapa kali pake speda itu, itu kan jalan gede, nanti kalo knapa2 gmana??!" biasa bokap.

so, gtg watch dvd, it doesnt work in the comp. BYE ;]


it has been a week since i posted. but i'm gonna post short this time. i gtg jogging.

well, i got no time, gtg run. i'll post when i get home. bye

Saturday, August 11, 2007


beh, kenyang bgt. it's like a bomb inside my tummy! i got home like, 8 30. from ps, and pramuka - beli obat - . finally i bought a new earphone, or else my left eardrum will break soon. and i just bought twilight, and i cant wait to finish it. i probably gonna read the first part of twilite. mmm, and i forgot my folder in the vocal room, dammit! i have all my things in there, including the report. i'm so dead. and i just finish harry potter, it was so good i should say. and i was going to watch the bourne ultimatum wit ferina and others today, but it was off.

i have no idea what to write in my third song. i have some, but it's like, r&b, not acoustic, i want to make acoustic, so it's easier for me to make the music. not r&b. so weird. i dont wanna be another ne-yo or sumthin.

so, gotta do sumthin else! ciao.

Friday, August 10, 2007

hate her!

aaaa, i dont wanna tell a few things regarding my love life for the past 2 days! but the point is..


soooo, i might have to congratulate my dearest friend. i pronounce


for being the newest member of the amigos!

so, today is a baaaaaad day for me. a bad breaktime, a bad choir practice, well not so bad. then, baaad, MATH quiz, bad things lah. i can't even mention another one. but math is kinda fine for me. but that double-lette girl i hate. everybody hates her. she's a bad-ass-wannabe. it's like... urrgghh. and i almost finish harry potter! another 100 pages. YAY!

gtg, mom's calling. gudbye!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

gooood times!

heylooo peeps. today's holiday! pilkada yang aneh itu. i live in tangerang, but my school is in jakarta area. so, right on! mmm, it's been a loong loong loong loong time since i posted. soo, these few days, is soo fun. mmm, last time, i heard adhyit, sm bu lina, mau ikutan mama mia! hahaha, jadinya mama lina dan adhyt! yaampuun. i've been reading the new gogirl! but the inside scoops are not reallay good. i'm kinda bored wit the fashion page. aaannnddd, mmm, me, andrew and michi made this group. the 3 amigos! we found interest in speaking spanish. and our favorite word is pollo! haha. so fun.

and i've been asking myself when will i get the arisan? i've been waiting for months! and i've been worried. WHERE'S MY NARNIA SCRIPT?? I'LL BE DEAD IF I LOSE IT!

yasud lah. i'll keep searching. GUDBYE ;]

to my amigos,
Adiós ;]

Saturday, August 4, 2007

kebegoan filza

that day, i was waiting for my mum who was LATE to pick me up. so i play with julian and jovin, that kid.

jovin : hey, hav u watch movies lately?
Filza : Yes, some.
jovin : so can i give you a movie quiz
Filza : sure.
(so after acouple of movies quests)
Filza : next question... (sambil kesel soalnya gue g bs jawab quests dari transformers, since i havent watch it)
Jovin : mm.. okay, what's the full name of sirius black in harry potter?
Filza : mm, i dunno. i didnt think it was mentioned. (chuckles)
Filza : Omaigat! of course i know that one. i thought there's a certain middle name! uurrgghh!
(kesel dikerjain ma anak kecil)

dasar bodoh. ciao


hey peeps ! i was down yesterday night. but i recovered already. the thing is, i dunno what i was thinking about. but then i found a new interest. compose. i love it! i'm writing my second lyrics rite now. just trying to find out the second verse. i havent found any "musician" to actuallyhelp me thru the music.

i'm kinda bored. helping people. i was crazying with ariani, she just went home.

i'm bored. i called anya. che's grounded.

i'll see ya later peeps.

Friday, August 3, 2007

today today!

buuuuuuus! i'm so confused today. he's so confusing goddammit. AAARRRGGGGHHH.

i am NOT in the mood. bye

7.40 in the morning

hey2 peeps!i'm still in my IT class, yahh, curi2 waktu lhaa. and i have to say, i'm bored. mr boudei, just gave us a case study.. BORING! besides, he's kinda annoying. we're studying about this, TOUR AND TRAVEL. which has the point of BOREDOM. i'll see ya later. CIAO ;]

Thursday, August 2, 2007

drinking my weird juice!

so, i had a good day. mmm, i felt like i really do feel okay when i had chat once. it's like, i could catch my breath for the past 2 days. we just said hi that's all. aaannndd, andrew was like.. really jealous cus i had a looong chat wit his crush, a girl. he was soo furious these days. so ericka and ariani was not at school today. ericka's not feeling well, but arianiiii... no reason.the one thing that really bothers me the most today is.. probably the fact that garren bugged me. i hate him.

mm, from here, not much that i can say. those things doesn't really bother me like.. really blew me up. but, i'm kinda tired, doing this mixing for the dance for ind. day.

so i'm not in the mood for anything really.

[in thai]
Ler kee ma tea low per tha naw! it means, goodbye!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

a nice creambath~

i just went to the salon. i got home like, 20 minutes ago. it's so relaxing, and smooth. thanks mom for yelling at me to go there, sorry for being so lazy this week mom. love ya. ANYWAYS, i had a good time at school. watching narnia, teaching juliasn how to create theatrical faces, aaannnddd, eating bagel. well, this actually my first time eating school's bagel. and it'ssss, pretty nice. but i have this downside of this teacher! i wont mention the name but i really really really really HATE her. she dress up like weirdos. hideous choice of clothes. it doesn't even fit for work! and she mention that we're gonna have quiz the day before! IHHH, i want to mutilate her right away.

mm, i'm not in the mood to write. so i'll just

Saying goodbye this time, the same old story
Seeing you cry, makes me feel like saying sorry
Just a few last hours, we gotta make this count
We're counting backwards
We're falling forwards.

[in african], Vaarwel !

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


3rd highschool memories year 1 : WE HAD LUNCH TOGETHER. the best part! i love it. we found out that we actually have so much things in common, from books to TV. yay! i'm not gonna talk much for this post. i'm tired. and to ivana, thanks for everything ya. ily.

so i had a great day, how bout you? must be a terrific day. just dont forget, keep that pretty smile on that face. [apaan sih, jd motivator gt].

NARNIA PRACTICE ! aaa, i wanna go home ;(

can't take the smile out of my face, you know why.

Do I have to paint a picture
To make you see how I feel?
Somehow whenever were together
Our friends all ask what's the deal
You say I'm just an optimist
But we could be much more than this

Spread the LOVE, people! ily, gudbye ;]

Monday, July 30, 2007


O-MY-GRAVY, today's the best day so far in my highschool journey. this day, is the day i would like to call second highschool memories year 1. guess what? we talked! well, not so much things but, we talk about his school, about ROMEO & JULIET! isn't it rowmahntic ?! so yeah. thanks a lot to IVII/ivana/CIE CIE, i have the guts to speak. wiihiii. but sorry iv, i dont have the guts as well as the heart, to CALL or SMS, as you told me to. even if it's for english. she told me to call him to ask about the homework. and yes, i have so much homework on the book that i just borrowed, to kill a mocking bird. as you guys who has read the book know, it is about discrimination. and it is, the topic i like. it also refers to the social work i'm doing. and i am soo happy that i can join in again! also, i have choir too for this sunday. i have a report due tomorrow about Al-quran. AND I HAVE BOUGHT HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS! i know it's kinda late, but i just bought it. so yeah. the problem is that i have to read another book for school. and thanks to gabe, i know what guys usually read, so i can bring up the topic about books when i chat wit him. YAY. so tomorrow's another day. nandra's frickin happy cus she'll be in the same class as her "he". and i'll be in the same class as my "he". YAY. we're both in love.

and i have been talking about my "planning" for my 17th bday bash. i'll invite BONDOC and JOE BROOKS to be the guest star. and i'll invite anya's boy. promise her that. and eiw. but, sorry. it's not ganna happen like that. it will probably like, a normal 17th bday party.

sooo, not in the mood to give "... of the day". but here's the thing, i'll give u a sentence.

everyone's the same.

keep that in mind, and ciao ;]

Sunday, July 29, 2007


hey, i just woke up, well not exactly "just" but i've been awake for half an hour? yup. so yeah, like usual, my parents ask me to go jogging, as always. and i dont really care, cus my dad's still reading newspapers. i read the jakarta post this morning and found an article about the simpsons. and got this chart of the simpsons family, and their surroundings. so yeah, i still have 1 essay to be given by tomorrow, and i still havent start it YET. and 1 set of informations for SERVICE for tomorrow as well. so, the bigger problem is the essay. hate bio. i mean, it's just our first meeting, and she gave us an essay to work on? handwritten?? uggghh. i hate you ms.jannette.

i gotta go back to my what-so-ever thing. GUDBYE ;]

Saturday, July 28, 2007

my thighs hurt cus of TAE-KWON-DO

aaaa! it hurts! gr2 taekwondo nih. tepar kaki gue. well, if u want to read the whole daily journal of mine, so here it is. i'm too nice to tell you this but.. why not for a good deed? [apaan sih] so i woke up this morning, and heard this BIG voices coming from downstairs. and suprisingly its.. my dad. telling the tukangs to be well in renovating the house. and i went down and my mom just tell me to dress up straight away. for jogging. and so i went jogging. and i was listening, telling stories to my mom the whole time i walk. then i went to this nasi gule thingy, and eat there, i didn't finish it tho. but my dad refuse to eat bubur instead. and it's my parents' WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! which means that i have to spend a bit of quality time wit them. but it's just a bit. then i went home, and play comp for a while, take a bath, wait for my dad, and wait, wait, wait, wait. [biasa, bokap ngaretnya kelewatan] then i want to ps, my friend were already screaming at moi. so yeah. i got there, and ate. then we watch MR.BROOKS which confuse me, the concept was all good, but the STORY?? first, it was telling about this killing addict, then told us about his daughter who is a killer too, then moved to MR.SMITH?. okay which way is this movie really going?? mygodd! okay MOVING ON AFTER THE MOVIE. i was taking my pictures that my dad ask me to print bigger. and we just go to nandra's car, but ericka is like, coonfuse, she doesn't know where she's going. soo, we wait for her to decide and call, call, call. then she said we can go, she would call us later on. soo, she couldn't go. and after we got there, we go straight to physics, and make a tower out of straws. yeah then with a little bit of anger, nandra almost finish it. then we eat while watching cheaper by the dozen 2, and laugh about it. O, and i forgot, i met this cute guy at the pool, and nandra successfully caught his picture. YAY! thank u dear. so yeah. after the movie was ended, my mom called, and i went home. AND THAT is the end of my day. soo it's a tiring day, but fun i have to say.

i'll just throw joke of the day, if that's okay.

Slot machine winner

A dumb blonde was standing in front of a soda machine outside of a local store. After putting in sixty cents, a root beer pops out of the machine. She set it on the ground, puts sixty more cents into the machine, and pushes another button; suddenly, a coke comes out the machine!

She continued to do this until a man waiting to use the machine became impatient. "Excuse me, can I get my soda and then you can go back to whatever stupid thing you are doing?"

The blonde turns around and says, "Yeah right! I'm not giving up this machine while I'm still winning!"

cya ;]

Friday, July 27, 2007

make it love!

gosh peeps, i'm soooo sorry to bring up the topic LOVE these days. that's becus i'm in LOVE hehee. but seriously. today is sumthing i would call, first high school most memorable times year 1, hihii. cus today, i was like looking at him the whooooole time. but somehow, i feel like i do not want to like/love someone at the moment. i just want to be independent, without having to watch over someone that you cant-take-you-eyes-off of. so this is what actually happened.

"so i was looking at him while talking wit my friends, then one of my friends DARE to ask one of his girlpals to come over to ask her if the others wanna come. And first, with her, we talk a lot, and ask her if anyone wanna join us, while everyone's on the other side. so there came another friend, and we talk a lot. then, my friend DARE to ask every body (including him actually) to join us. and he just .... left!"

aaaa, hate that! but i'm always happy. just glad to see his face smiling. hihiii.

there's so many tears i can dry
there's so many nights i survive
there's so many things i can do
but to count the wonders you are, there's no number that counts that far

bye !

kok error yaa?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

hey, hey, you, you!

omg peeps! i'm sooooo HAPPY TODAY! finally, my wish came true! hey hey. yay me! that's soo london. hehee. i'm frickin happy today. not gonna tell u who it is but, we talk! we finally talk! i think i really like him. wtf. so today in english i really had a good time. discussing about MUTILATION which is probably weird cus it involves a little boy! and i had a good time laughing. i have a fun teacher - which is a good thing - so she teaches good, and she even mentioned that our class is GOOD! so, gives an answer that my dearest ms. elizabeth is wrong. sorry miss, i still like u koo. i like u too ms arlene.

and hey, ariani & nandra were not at school today. so it's really boring.but fun! yknow, i'm always smiling! never bored.
I CANT WAIT TO BUY HARPOT! my mum's so nice these days. and hey, i wanna go to seaworld, i wanna so dugoongs, sharks, and go with the thingy that moves, that cave.

Constantly, you’re on my mind
Thinking about you all the time
I can’t sleep no matter what I do
I just keep on thinking ‘bout you

so much love, filza ;x

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


hey peeps! today i have a good time, as well as a bad time. so the good times happen in the day, where i play, play and play. and i had fun, fun and FUN. but then, i'm starting to get sick. maybe becus of that sambel i had from the abang gorengan. so beware. and today, i learn things well, and i play go banana wit riski. and people just started to stare at us. brrr.

so yeah. and my mom allows me to buy harry potter! cus my brother bought the scholastic one - which i dun like - and i could buy the bloomsbury one! yay! another 200 pages and i'm done wit numero 6! and i'm starting to feel LOVE people. wit him. only 2 people knows about the whole story behind it.

so i have english for 1st session toms! yay! so glad~

so maybe if I close my eyes
maybe then I can see you smiling
ill be dreaming of good times
cause im sure it'll stop the crying
if only you'd come back to me
maybe then I could stop this lying to myself

cya ;]


i got stomach-ache!


hey people! i'm so happy these couple of days! i have english classes in the past 2 days before today, and i think i'm in LOOOVEEE!MYGOTT!well, i'm not gonna tell u who it is but, i'm just happy! so i'm reading harry potter and the Half-Blood Prince! so yesterday.. oh well! i dont want to get lost in the 7th book! but i'm alrite.

i'm still waiting for my bro tho. MY DAD SAID I HAVE TO READ MY BRO'S COZ HE ORDERED IT FIRST! hate u redha. and i have to change my shoes. peter says : "those ballet shoes are not school shoes!" hihhh, i hate binus. so i have to wear my hush puppies AGAIN. sucks.

ariani came to school today, she seems okay wit the school and friends. but i am NOT okay wit my TEACHERS! my business & bio teacher annoys me well. also peter. i chatted wit steven just 30 minutes ago. he's SO fun! long time no see steve. miss playing those games wit u. and watching disney channel. and playing in the arcade. and watch movies at red rock. AAAAAAAAA I MISS VEGAS!

Do you remember when we were just kids
And cardboard boxes took us miles from what we would miss
Schoolyard conversations taken to heart
And laughter took the place of everything we knew we were not

soo, guess that's it! goodbye ;)

Monday, July 23, 2007


heyy, i changed my template peeps! like it? TAG!

IT'S THE 3RD DAY OF SCHOOL! it's doing fine!

and we had a suprise bash for ferina. AND SHE'S HAPPY!

soo, can't go more. gtg, bye.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


i'm using dial-up, which sucks. it takes on my phone bills. *sighs* . anyways, today, my phone didn't ring. not a single one. no sms, no phonecalls, no nothing. and it bores me. and yes, i feel bored one day before school. i used to be very excited, but i'm bored. i wanna know the new kids. but ichel told me that 10d national students will move to other classes. i got MICHI. haha, michi siap2 gue kerjain. haha, candaaa.

i was watching the soccer game this evening. WE LOST, DONE. hate to say this, but.. we kinda suck. we are.

sorry PSSI.

and my friends are crazy about the 7th harpot book. and meanwhile, i'm trying to read the 6th one. after seeing the 5th movie, i'm curious about the next one. but wikipedia gives like, 1,1 percent of the whoolleee book. haha, lazy to read. THAAAAT'S ME!

And if we all explode
See we would never know
But I just hope the pieces of my soul
Reach out to u to find my angel



90. First off, what is your name?

89. Is it easier to love or to hate?
both works easily

88. Do you have an opposite sex best
bestfriend? yea

87. Do you have any siblings?

86. Where are you exactly?
my brother's room, but i call it my second room. hehee

84. What does the 7th msg in your
inbox say?
anya, terus ada temen ge. lo ajak riski plus mwrn plus alex plus richard plus emil aja.. - dari clarisza

83. Who is the closest person to you?
my family

82. Are you scared of commitment?

80. Do you have any kids?
i'm only 15!

79. Would you rather live in the big
city or a small town?
big city

78. What is the closest green object
by you?
beauty case

77. Closest red object?
chocolate box

76. If you could arrive to your
destination at the same time would you
rather wait and then get a ride or
if it's a long distance, ride. a walking distance, walk.

75. Do you jog?
yea, sunday or saturday, senayan or pi golf.

74. Are you wearing jeans?
not now

73. How does your hair look right now?

70. If you could be someone else, who
would it be?

69. What are you doing tommorrow?
go to school and meet my friends.

68. What do you hear right now?
mtv, kylie minogue

67. Do you like kangaroos?
yep, they're cute

66. How do you like your steak?
well done

65. What are you wearing?
tee and shorts

64. Who was the last person to talk to

63. Do you type fast?
for me yes.

62. Pop or Jazz?
i listen pop a bit more than jazz, but i like both.

61. Classical or Rap?

58. Who did you last call?
the internet people.

57. Was your last Valentine's Day nice?
it's my mum's birthday so yeah.

56. What are you thinking now?
my journey to school toms. traffic!

54. Would you lie to the police for
someone and who?
i would lie for my brother, since he's not creative enuf.

50. Do you have to pee right now?
i don't feel anything

49. What did you dream about last

44. What color is your carpet?
i don't use carpet.

38. Can you do a cartwheel?
not really

37. Do you own a pogo stick?
what the heck is a pogo stick?

36. What color are your eyes?
dark hazel

35. Do you own ripped jeans?

34. What makes you happY?
my wishes come true

32. Are you sad a lot of the time?
i LAUGH all the time

29. Where's your brother?
las vegas

28. Do you own any big costumes?
i think my korean suit from my mom.

22.Do you believe in some kind of a
spiritual, cosmic force outside the
not necessarily

21. Do you change survey questions
when you don't want to answer them?
noo, i don't cheat

19. If your best friend died right
this very instant, what would you do?
seek help

16. You are driving and see your mom
and dad standing in the road. You have
to swerve to miss one of them but
which ever one you miss, you will hit
the other one. Which one do you avoid?

15. You have just been unfairly laid
off from work. As you are leaving, you
have an opportunity to steal something
of value, and nobody would know. would
try not to

14. If you had children, would it
upset you to discover they were dumb,
but nice?
dumb? let's see the future,,

13. In your current music collection,
do you have more independant artists
or big name superstars?
big name superstars, but i have a lot of indies too

12. Have you ever attended -- or would
you attend -- a Sci-Fi/Anime/etc
exhibits, yeah.

11. Have you ever spent more than 8
hours straight playing video games?

10. Which is more important to your
life, passion or happiness ?

9. If you got married, would you
change your name?
my surname, automatically.

8.Have you ever been to prison?

7. Do you think the public should have
access to any literature, regardless
of its content?

5. Could you have a serious
relationship with someone who already
has children from a previous
iyuuh, no!

4.Do you enjoy television or movies

3. Would you open your spouse's
personal mail?
haha, i'm 15 guys, come on!

2. Do you like haunted houses?

1. Dou you believe in first love?

anyaaa, do this!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

i'm back people


i'm so happy to be home. i've been wating for this to come, for days ! mygott. but it's ok sihh, i got some things from there. hihii. AND WE LOST THE MATCH. g mungkin lah bisa lawan korea selatan. wuhh, dasar. and i have boxes and boxes of bika ambon. biasaaa, mommies. yehh

i just met my ferina, nandra, rama, david and fidel. yesterday i met anyaa, riski, and syiela. I WAS SO HAPPY TO MEET MY FRIENDS. but i'm excited for thursday!

soo, i'm just gonna write the short one. i'm kinda tired.

I'll make the most of all the sadness
You'll be a bitch because you can
You try to hit me just hurt me
So you leave me feeling dirty
Because you can't understand


Saturday, July 14, 2007

loopie doh

hey peeps ! warnet attacks. haha, so dumb ya. my dad just arrived this morning. like.. can't believe he took the very first flight. 6.40 - destination : medan. hihii. this morning i changed my menu too lohh. kan like, if i go to medan. my aunt always buy the lontong sayur. but then i got bored, so my mum bought the bubur ayam jakarta for me, even though it doesn't taste like one. i dunno why, people are so obsessed wit jakarta here, from bubur ayam jakarta, sampe nasi uduk jakarta. bhh, and everybody wants to go there so badly. huhh, iya sih. like.. i want to go HOME !
anyaa and moi have been emailing each otha since the past couple of
days. IT'S FUN! miss u beb. and i've been missing my friends. like, 2 days ago i called ericka and we talk for 10 minutes, which takes 30.000 from my pulsa. but it's okay lha. for my friends who read this, i know we've been setting the time to meet at school on monday,but i can only come at like.. one pm? from the airport around 11, and maybe i'll be there at 12.30-1. so, sorry for that.

ETTY PLEASE, TEMENIN GUE. HEHEE. gawd, so damn bored here.

so, me and anya found a new heartthrob :

no, it's not emma atson i'm saying, but it's his brother

YUUHUU, he's cute. he's 14. me & anya's another current obsession. oyeah, today's amez's birthday, as well as nuki's birthday i guess. but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, guys!

now that we're here,
it's so far away
all the struggle we thought was in vain
all in the mistakes,
one life contained
they all finally start to go away
now that we're here its so far away
and i feel like i can face the day i can forgive
and i'm not ashambed to be the person that i am today

that's it for now. so long ;] and happy friday the 13th !

Friday, July 13, 2007


ok,. i'll just write a short one.

i wanna blog. but lazy. so, just short.

so i've been email, texting with anyaa. and i miss her soo bad (miss u beb). i miss my nandra too. (miss u nan). and i got a new name from anya. mya "malay fever family" name. FASILAH. i dunno where the heck she got that name, but we have to make it rhymes with BATISAH. haha. the funny thing is that my grandma is javanese, and she came here with me. and here, they use the word "sorong". and i don't know what that means, but i herd her say, "oo, pantesan lagunya 'sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan", sambil nyanyi. HAHA, so funny. LMAO. it's so sunny over here. i miss my bed.

When are you coming
When are you coming back where you belong
I swear that it's safe here, there's nothing to fear at all
Come on back where you belong, the pressure releases if
you just let down your guard

so that's it. BYE ;]

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

so sunny !

aaaa, finally i can go to warnet now. hehee, wit my cousin. at least i can blog ! it's so sunny ! and the electricity's off, i'm so damn bored at home, like, i wanna fly. (but i can't). but seriously, it has been 2 x 24hours here, and there's no fun. maybe i have to wait for another 24 hours or so. for HaRRY POTTER ! mygodd, i'm so addicted with phone since i arrived here. like.. uggghh. but possibly i will got to warnets like, the longest .. once in 2 days. i'm so not getting my fingers off the keyboard for more than 3 days.

and i've been missing anya, nandra, ericka, ferina, morin (where are you?), riski, and fideeel. i promise, as soon as i get in the school, i'll go nuts annoying fidell. haha, sorry del if you read this blog. and i miss my e-friends from all over the world. like morgane, fritz, gabe, harit, and DAN . o my god, where are you?. hand also geo . i know he's too busy looking after his girlfriend.

I miss you,
I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear,
Every once and a while
And even though we're different now,
You're still here somehow
My heart will let you go
But I need you to know
I miss you

so, i'll blog again tromorrow.

so please tag, alritey, BYE ;]

Monday, July 9, 2007


hey ppl, this is probably my last blog for this week until next monday. i'm going to medan for visits. and the electricity barely on. the thing is that, i'm gonna miss chatting with anyaa & gabe for a week ! geo. no. he has a girlfriend to look after. i will try to catch the warnet around. but since the electricty's off, i'm hopeless. haha

and yeah i'm soo gonna be damn bored there. i think ka nala will always be at her workplace. but then.. she works at the bank IN the mall, so i'll probably watch harpot with her. but she's working on her "skripsi", so i'm afraid she has no time for me. but i insist !

anyaaaaa : i'm so damn bored without youu, my e-sister. i'll text you ALL the time, keep me updated !

so i guess that's it. i'm gonna pack more for my backpack. cya ;]

from anyaa

7:14 PM
1. Who is the last person you held hands with?/ my cousin, ACHAA
2. If you were drafted into a war,would you survive?/ lets see
3. Do you sleep with the TV on?/ a lot.
4. Have you ever drank milk straightout of the carton?/ yeah, couple of times
5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?/ yea, i do. just one more point, i get into the finals !
6. What is your longest fight with oneof your friends?/ 3-4 weeks
7. Are you a fast typer?/ for me, pretty much, yea.
8. Are you afraid of the dark?/ sometime.
10. Who can you always turn to?/ my mom & brother
11. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?/ when i was on vacation
12. Do you knock on wood?/ i guess
13. Are you drinking anything rightnow?/ nope
17. What do you want for Christmas?/ i dont celebrate xmas.
18. Do you know the muffin man?/ huh?
19. Do you talk in your sleep?/ yea. resources : people.
21. Have you ever flown a kite?/ yea
22. When was the last time you wentswimming and where?/ lupa deh.
23. Do you consider yourselfsuccessful?/ as a kid. yes.
24. How many people are on your contactlist of your cell phone?/ never counts
25. Have you ever asked for a horse?/ YEA.
26. Plans for tomorrow?/ going to medan.
27. What's your middle name?/ i dont have a middle name. so yeah
28. Missing someone right now?/ YEA.
29. When's the last time you toldsomeone you loved them?/ my mom, yesterday.
34. What are you looking forward to?/ HARRY POTTER!
35.Have you ever crawled through awindow?/ nope
36. Have you ever eaten dog food?/ nope
38. Can you handle the truth?/ after i got over it.
39. Do you like green eggs and ham?/ --
40. What 1 thing you always bring withyou to places?/ cell.
41. Any cool scars?/ yea, the one on my lower leg. i got it when i was 10. till a year ago.
42. Do you like or have a crush onanyone?/ do i have to answer that again?
43. Who was the last person you kissed?/ my granma
45. How often do you talk on the phone?/ 3 times a day? or even more.
46. Do you believe in love?/ yes
47. Is there something you want thatyou can't have?/ yea
48. Things about a person thatyou first notice?/ physical appearance & facial expressian
49. What are you thinking of right now?/ going to medan
50. Who did you last hug?/ cousin
52. Where is your phone?/ on my bed.
53. What was the last thing you ate?/ pisang goreng
54. Orange or blue/ blue
55. Last movie you watched?/ chasing liberty.
56. What song are youlistening to now?/ runaway. cartel
57. What do you want?/ rite now? staying home.
58. Who was the last person you talkedto on the phone?/ nandra
59. What's your favorite food?/ japanese, thai, chinese, indo
60. Who was the last person you hangout with?/ vanessa, alex, sonia, fajar, anissa, isa, acha.