Thursday, January 31, 2008

a big thank

this is my second post for the day, and i just want to inform you guys that i've been seeing supports from my friends, i know its not a lot, but i noticed the fact that the people around me are thinking the same thoughts as i am.

the blog "saya", is basically done for my wills for a change. i never thought to make a campaign out of it, but it sure is a good idea ;p but i'm so glad because of the support my friends gave me, and i'm hoping that supports will keep coming in. i'm not expecting everyone to follow, but for those who agree with the way i was thinking, please tag. if you havent notice, this country is trying, and keep trying to make history, and keeps on growing. i wouldn't care if later on people from other country mock on the things we do differently, or the way things happen here in indonesia. for me, all those people just envy what we have, because i thought that if they just wanted to enrage other people, why bother to make a blog and put bad things abt us? mind your own business, man.

but anyways, i really appreciate those who follows the idea, but for those who are still wanted to stick with their own ideas but wanting to support, you can also do that. i cant judge and tell people what to do with their media of expressions or in other word, blogs. i really appreciate it.

everybody wants to change and make one, in a good way. so re-discover what's inside of you, and make a difference!

jeruk dan isinya

hari ini saya lagi sakit perut terus, makan jeruk bukannya tambah sakit, malah hilang! wow.

tadi siang, the retardos moodnya jungkir balik. jam terakhir sekolah, michi moodnya hilang, susaaah skali ngangkatnya ;p saya baru pulang jam 6 tadi, habis pergi dan pulang sama ariani. aem ikut saya pulang, tadinya sih kita mau belajar math, tapi aem nggak begitu jelas deskripsi pelajarnnya, kita malah belajar fotografi. aem seneeeeeng banget pas tau fotonya bisa clear.

bi ti dabelyu, besok saya ada pr service, kebetulan, harus cari isu hobi. jadi ingat waktu kita mention satu-satu. interest saya paling panjang dibanding yang lain, saya jadi mikir, apa saya terlalu banyak yang disuka, jadinya saya plin-plan untuk memilih sesuatu. untuk urusan CCA, atau ekskul, saya sudah jadi drama guild member, tapi jujur, saya mauuu ngajar di belakang sekolah (perkampungan kumuh), namun saya juga mau mendalami ilmu movie making saya. dari kecil saya nggak pernah yang namanya les "unik". selalu les seperti les piano, tari bali, bahasa inggris, dll. sampai sekarang pun, ya itu-itu saja. saya juga tak tahu, dari dulu saya ngga pernah sering pergi ke bioskop, jadi suka bikin film, saya nggak pernah les olah raga, sekarang maunya main bola. tapi poin saya bukan itu, saya selalu saja punya kerjaan yang saya pikir saya bisa lakukan, tapi saking terlalu banyak, saya jadi bingung. masalahnya i only do what i think i need to do, i love to do, and i think i can do. so i'm in love with them all. just the "choose only one" part, it's crazy. memang, saya tau bahwa setiap pilihan yang kita plih, pasti ada satu atau lebih yang harus dirugikan. jadi mungkin saya harus berpikir matang-matang untuk hal memilih jalan hidup saya, ceile.

pr saya selesai, YAY! BYE FOR NOW!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

kepala saya penuh

hari ini saya lagi ngantuuuk minta ampun. tadi pagi saja, assembly saya hampr tidur dengan dibelkang tutupan map saya, biar nggak keliatan sama guru. saya lagi ada beberapa masalah sama teman. saya ngga mau sebut nama, it's inappropriate. saya nggak ngerti kenapa saya sudah coba baik sama orang-orang, namun masih saja nggak dianggap. menurut saya, toh bukan saya yang salah. secara orangnya juga yang mulai duluan. saya orangnya ngga membingungkan kok. kalo marah, sehari aja udah cukup, nggak usah menjangka-panjang. kalo memang orangnya nggak mau, saya sih santai saja. mau cari ribut? silahkan, karena saya selalu pikir "toh, orang lain lebih baik kok dari kita" jadi ya terserah. saya sih santai aja dalam urusan membenci. nggak ada baiknya juga kok. ya saya memang gampang kesal sama orang, tapi nggak lebih dari sekedar perasaan saja, saya ngga mau cari ribut sama orang, karena kadang kita juga butuh dya.

sudahlah, untuk urusan itu.
saya hari ini les chemistry, i loooove chemistry! gampang menurut saya.

i'll post again later, mau mandi, daaaadaaaaaaaaa!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

micrphone ga jalan sama sekali

saya sebenarnya masih les, cuman masih nunggu maghrib gurunya dulu. hari ini saya lumayan "oke". ngga tau kenapa ya, saya sih biasa saja, tapi kayaknya lebih warm feeling aja di sekitar saya, aneh memang.

ada anak baru disekolah, namanya bianca. walaupun ngga sekelas, tapi satu kelas english. pindahan dari pulor, anaknya lucuuuuu banget. mukanya imut imut, biasanya dia duduk dibelakang atau di samping saya. saking lucunya, kalau ngomong kayak anak kecil, jadinya anak cowok penasaran semua.

saya banyak tugas yang keteteran. saya salah informasi tadi, saya kira bahasa presentasinya hari jumat, taunya besok! ya allah ya rabbi..

akhir-akhir ini saya malas jalan keluar, pingin bareng temen-temen. tapi dirumah saya atau siapa. saya kok males ya, kalau ditempat ramai? apalagi kalau ke mall yang ngga ada ujung ujungnya diajak pergi kesana. saya tau, mall punya segalanya, makanya dijulukkan sebagai teserba (tempat serba ada). tapi satu yang saya bingung, kenapa orang mau datang ke tempat yang konsepnya itu-ituuuu saja. jujur saya akui, saya sbntr lagi mau sakit kalo pergi ke mall untuk ke sekian kalinya. memang, mall dimana2 beda, tapi ya konsepnya dimana-mana juga sama toh? tempat dimana orang belanja dan cuci mata. ayo sekali sekali ke taman, misalnya taman menteng, kalo hirup udara segar kan ngga rugi, apa lagi bisa hemat uang, iya ngga? god, i'm such a cheapskate. haha.

saya lagi pingin menambah ilmu dan kreatifitas saya dalam urusan men-jepret foto. sampai sekarang belom ada karya saya yang saya akui memukau. saya mulai serius dalam bidang ini karena saya juga tau ini cukup berguna. saya juga ngga perlu buang uang untuk setiap waktu (kecuali untuk modal kamera, itu hadiah dari bapak, untuk abang lalu turun ke saya ;p) yang menjadi isu yang sering terjadi, saya sering dibilang "bisanya cuman ngabisin uang aja" kata ibu saya. nyantai sih, soalnya udah biasa, tapi saya pingin nunjukin yang beda, bikin mama bangga. fotografi menurut saya suatu area di dunia seni, yang tidak perlu memiliki suatu area imajinasi yang terlalu luas. karena saya pikir, foto gak bakal ada tanpa sebuah objek yang nyata. selama ini nilai art saya ngga pernah di atas 7. saya menyayangkan itu, namun saya juga ingin punya suatu karya seni yang baik. ya jalan satu-satunya fotografi. saya suka juga teater, tapi keluarga kurang men-support. fotografi adalah hal yang papa saya sangat setujui untuk anak-anaknya yang aneh-aneh ini. hehe, sori bang. sebenarnya, kakak saya lebih punya potensi dalam bidang fotografi dibanding saya, karena foto kakak saya lebih bagus. hanya saja, ia kurang explore dan belom sempat hunting kemana2 selama punya kamera hingga kuliah diluar (kamera ditinggal, jadinya punya saya ;p) saya sayang banget sama lensa tele saya. dapet extra paket pas beli kamera dan itu kerennya bukan main. jauh nangkap gmbarnya, hasilnya wuihh. saya pingin beli fisheye, tapi mahalnya, rek. jadinya saya mau beli kamera lomograph kecil, yang harganya 500rban cukup.

ngomongin barang, saya lagi ngebet banget pengen beli 3 gadget elektronik :

1. kamera lomograph fisheye : biar lebih murah, lagian kamera lomograph jauh lebih artistik dari pada digicam.

2. flip videos : camcorder terkecil yg paling bagus! saya mau take film-making seriously, jadinya perlu sebuah camborder, masa movie maker ga punya cam corder. hehe

3. ipod touch! : saya udah capek banget, karna dulu saya pertama kali beli ngga ngecharge sampe lama, jadinya batre tidak last-long. apalagi untuk video. saya juga mau nikmati wi-fi sekolah, jadi mungkin bisa membantu bikin pr. ipod touch sangat membantu. hehe.

saya masih tau diri lah istilahnya, saya belum bilang semua ini sama papa saya. saya hanya mau bilang bahwa saya ngga mau dibeliin semuanya, minta suggestion mana yang paling bagus. saya maunya sih ipod touch, tapi agak mahal ya buat anak yang sudah ngecewain bapak-ibunya dengan nilai yang amat sangat buruk sekali. jadinya, pilihan paling melekat di hati saya adalah flip videos, sayangnya disini tidak available. untungnya papa akan pergi business trip ke state, dan mungkin saya bisa nitip, kalo ngga ngerepotin. based on my economics lesson, bila saya udah memilih flip videos menjadi pilihan saya, ipod touch dan kamera lomography fisheye menjadi opportunity cost saya untuk kali ini. weishhhhh, filza! anaknya pinter loh, ms.bernadette! ;p

sekian yah untuk hari ini, saya lanjutkan besok. ada presentasi bahasa yang perlu didiskusi lewat msn, makasi semuaaaaa!

Monday, January 28, 2008

ada pisang dan headphone di depan saya.

mulai hari ini, saya mungkin akan memperbanyak menggunakan kata "saya" untuk harian. lebih sopan, iya ngga?

walaupun ngomong sama guru atau siapa saja dimana saja sudah pake, tapi kenapa saya ngga bisa ya, pake kata saya dengan teman. Memang aneh sih, sudah terbiasa "gue-elo", masa diganti. Tapi mungkin untuk blog saya mampu. Saya lihat blog-blog inspirator saya, yang lebih banyak menggunakan "saya" dibanding gue. saya sendiri mau menggunakannya untuk raih kemampuan berbahasa, apa salahnya? Mungkin beberapa bulan yg lalu saya terlalu banyak menggunakan bahasa inggris, tapi saya punya pemikiran bahwa apa mungkin, hanya karena ingin menguasai bahas internasional, bahasa sendiri perlu diminimkan? ya engga untuk saya. Saya engga mau dibilang "masa bahasa sendiri jelek banget?" atau mungkin "bahasa indonesia saja sudah kurang, apalagi yg lain." jujur, pasti sakit kalau didengar, atau bahasa sekarangnya nancep kalo didenger. Dengan keadaan dimana nilai bahasa indonesia saya yang kurang baik, atau dikategorikan sbg nilai pas-pasan, saya perlu latihan terus dalam soal tulis-menulis dalam bahasa indonesia, dengan baik! Karena salah satu alasan kenapa saya memuat kisah kehidupan saya yang aneh nan jayus tapi nyata di blog ini juga karena saya ingin punya skill di bidang tulis-menulis, dan teman-teman saya (yang sudah mempunyai blog lebih dulu) yang juga menjadi inspirator terdekat untuk saya, menyarankan untuk "buatlah blog!" dan bahasa yang benar juga :)

sekian lah untuk "saya" ceileh.

saya mau nonton film, tapi berhubung masih dalam tahap terhukum jadi mungkin satu-satu aja. Keluaran baru, august rush. Itu udah lama, ya saya tau, tapi belum juga bisa nonton. ceritanya bagus banget, tapi saya dengar agak kurang real, karena si pemain utama masih sangat kecil tapi jenius di bidang musik. Film komedi alvin and the chipmunks sudah keluar agak lama, tapi belum juga berhasil nonton, emang saya rada ngga update gituan, mau sih mau, tapi kebetulan orang tua saya ngga hobi nonton. Jadi susah juga ngelepas anaknya nonton, mereka lebih prefer anaknya pergi ke daerah kota, atau mungkin serang, banten. haha, agak aneh ya. sejauh ini, saya sudah tertarik pada dunia sejarah lama. bukan militer atau apa, tapi asal usul sebuah figur sederhana. ya, saya suka belanja. tapi belanja barang-barang unik yang saya lihat. Saya lagi ngebet banget mau muter-muter pasar jalan surabaya. Menurut saya, tempatnya rapih, namun masih berkesan pasar, dan barang-barangnya pun langka. hari gini, mall mana yang jual proyektor film roll? Selain itu bisa juga untuk refreshing dengan anginnya yang sepoi-sepoi, dan menikmati jalanan yang jarang dilewati mobil-mobil berasap tebal. Kembali ke soal film, ada film indonesia yang saya ingin sekali nonton, kali ini perempuan punya cerita. saya baca resensinya, dan menurut saya film itu berbeda dari yang lain. Film tersebut mempunya beberapa cerita didalamnya, mulai dari gadis SMA, hingga wanita dewasa. untuk anda yang sudah nonton film babel, pembagian ceritanya seperti itu, agak berkaitan, namun bercerita tentang wanita-wanita di berbagai macam kota di indonesia. Film ini diperuntukkan untuk "dewasa" tapi saya penasaran akan isi ceritanya. mungkin juga tidak akan kesampean.

Saya sedang tertarik dengan "keberdayaan perempuan" mungkin itu adalah salah satu frase masuk dalam otak saya, yang selalu membuat saya berpikir sedikit berbeda akhir-akhir ini. bukannya ingin sok dewasa, tapi saya juga tidak mau nantinya sadar bahwa saya mempunyai pemikiran anak ingusan. itu juga yang membuat saya tertarik akan memberkan ide tema "woman" untuk service project saya mendatang. menurut saya, kadang kita suka diremehkan secara tidak langsung, dan menusuk di hati, tapi hanya sedikit orang yang mampu melawan pikiran tersebut, dan saya pikir, mengapa tidak sekarang?

mungkin sekian untuk blog post ini. saya mau makan pisang dulu, kebetulan belum makan buah, ok. thx, see yah!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

lastnight to this morning

i'm listening to shayne ward. i dunno why, i feel like rnb todaaaay. but anyways, lastnight i was sooo tired cos of the aptitude test, then go photo hunting with sari n nandra. malemnya ada les kan, trus abuy udh nanya "fi, kamu ngantuk ya?" trus ya iya. trus agak sakit perut, trus minta rebahan dulu di sofa "aku ngga tidur kok buy" eh lama2 tidur sampe keringetan gt, trus g nyadar pas kluar, "loh? buy udh pulang??" eh bener, mau sms ah buy. minta maaf, hehe.

kemaren pas foto2 di rumah nandra, simarain sm satpam apartment. katanya g boleh kalo gada ijin. yasud lah. at least i took some good ones already.

today pada pergi k bogor krumah paklik nya mama. trus males gt, jadinya i wanna study for the quiz(zes) sooo many ya. untungnya ms palupi baik ngundur testnya sampe hr rabu. YAY.

eh trus filza mau ikut contest mcr gt sm julian, haha mesti download rbt USSY lagih, udh aneh geto. yaudah lah, nggada salahnya.

udh yah, mau nyalain ac panas abis disini.

Friday, January 25, 2008

super HOT




sooo today was good. everythin's goin o-kayy. tapi agak dilumpuri (caelah) dengan kebingungan2 gue, yang masih belom dikupas oleh nara sumber. u know who you are, girl. halah sok gossip girl. lagi mau ntn gossip girlnya si rama, soalnya mau skalian kembaliin dua2. if you know what i mean rama, since other people didnt know what happen.

but anyways, i just got home, i brought so many things yg g pake tas plastik gt, omg. banyak abis, ribet men!

besok mau blajar mat. quiz gue menumpuk aje gile. banyak abis, and i heard there's a bio quiz on monday, yaudah lah, worth the study kok. tadi gue sm nandra liat this bule. cakeeep bgt. he's like so charming. and so uh.

yaduah yah, mau mandi, dadaw. i'll post like a few hours from now yah, dont wait for me. haalah

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I HUGGED TIM FOREMAN!! OMG OMG. HE'S NOT BURNING HOT, BUT HE'S LIKE THE HOTTEST. OMG. BT HE'S TOO SHORT. look what happen when i take a picture with them ->

see the short guy? that's tim. he's really cute in person loh.

yauda tp gpplah. OMG my dad let me go! worth the sweat. abis pulang sekolah, langsung pergi kesana, udh hampir g boleh masuk lagi. gr2 orgnya ngeliat dr dalem g bisa liat, akhirnya mesti nyamperin satpamnya. secara i didnt buy any tickets.

it was the best 15-20 minutes i had so far in 2008. YAY

i cant bring my friends, masalhnya undangan cuman bisa satu :( padahal kurang seru. tapi seru jg sih, kenalan temen2 baru. yg udh pertamanya gue sendiri gt. dengan begonya

this girl lupa namanya pokoknya kakanya ottie : udh ngefans dr brapa lama

filza : g ngefans parah sih, cuman udh suka pas a walk to remember keluar.

kakanya ottie : oh, kalo aku udh dr kapan. taun 2001 deh kalo g salah, 5 taun.

(dalam hati gue : yaelah, gue g ngerti sendiri, i dont even know which one is which)

kasian abis gue. yg g ngerti apa2. ada yang udh ntn di melbourne. yg udh ada cdnya lengkap. yampun. segitunyakah.

yasud lah, i better go to sleep

Wednesday, January 23, 2008






today is a good day for me. first, i have some organized things that i did. i survive in drama, and finished the missed works before the actual class began. aaaaaannnd i was invited to a meet&greet event!! OMG OMG. tapi besooook makanya, the bad thing is I CANT GO. soalnya school night trus meet n greetnya aja jam 5, rumah kan jauh. gtau nih my dad boleh apa engga, smogaboleh, makanya aku ga mau banyak berharap. it's once in a lifetime chance, emg band-nya tiap taon kesini? kan engga. lagian i'm a fan. trus g usah ntn konsernya lagi, menang kontes gt. mungkin boleh kali ya ntn gratis :p

tadi makan siomay, secara belom makan siang, yaudah dibolehin sm mama beli siomay. tau habis berapa? 7 siomay dan 3 telor. haha, apakah se-rakusnya daku itu? mungkin, kalo urusan siomay mau brapa aja ayo terus. haha. i'm listening to souls, i dunno, my mood is like sad, but i'm not sad. i never sad, makanya everytime i'm sad, g murung g jahat sm org. paling lemes badannya. tp i always keep laughing even tho i have some bad news deep inside my central nervous system/brain. or mind whatever.

lagi males ngomong, tadi pagi sih. tp yasud lah. pengen ngerjain pr dulu so i can go to the event. BYEEEEEEEEEEE

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

10 b open convo

open convo. at IT today

filza : hi kawanz

michi: hi fans gue

chris: i hate u filza

filza : i hate you more and more and more and more.

the problem is, itu sebenrnya udh BANYAAAAAK banget ditulis sampe ngalay2 segala. tapi ANGUS. gara2 internetnya mati, bangke. padahal udh ada gangsdr andrew ato WENDRA. trus sm si naida aneh, haha piss nai. a bangke

yaudah lah. segini aja, haha. we hate each other most of the time.

Monday, January 21, 2008

sitting on a rolling rolling chair.

listening to blower's daughter, my mood today. at school, i was like, so happy. and so hyper, that's why i cant be quite for just a moment, ms angai. sorry miss.

i dunno, i just feel like i need a moment. maybe because i have these writing homeworks that i need to sacrifice my energy on tonight. homework sucks (like duh, even my 3-year-old cousin knows that)

but anyways, i was thinking about loving and hating people. nowadays, as i get older (yea, if you havent notice, u're getting older everyday) i feel like, i cant do the image thing anymore. i dont wanna look nice to people when they did something wrong. i never hate people for something they didnt do. maybe like someone who was raised being spoiled ends up being a snob. they were raised so and the same thing will happen to you if you're spoiled since the very beginning. and there's nothing you can do about it. and for me, those bad things are just one of human being's limitation. it's the same thing as when you like candies so much, and you keep on buying a $100 candy and people start talking abt it. you did it because spending that much and buying what you love feels good, it's worth the price.

maybe i never said this, maybe sometimes i hate that kind of person. but i know it's wrong. and i know i'm wrong. that's why i said those things.

so let's just leave that kind of topic and move on with another one. i cant go to camp guys, i'm sorry. my dad's leaving at the beginning of february hopefully, and that means my mom will be left behind. and i cant leave her alone, sorry.

and i started making the concepts for year-end vosual presentation or graduation movie, and i have this idea of a very popular song that makes you sing and dance, ups sorry, RAP and dance. i have the whole thing tho, the problem is that, we havent shoot anything, YET.

however, i still need to focus on my studies. from what i observe, i'm getting better (caelah). ngga lah, at least i'm more focus than before. so probably the best way is to focus more and more and more and MORE!

i'm tired. i wanna observe my camera, hehe. GUDBYE.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

yesterday's bomb

not a bomb, just a bombastic huge confusion that makes you go "what??" ha ha, exaggerate deh filzaaa. well no. jayus men.

yesterday i went out with my parents, before, i was making peace with my daddy, since dya marahan sm gue for the score thingy, akhirnya balik lagi. yesterday tadinya mai makan sop kaki di kartika plaza, tp habis. ih males lah. and as always, my dad asked questions abt food continuously sampe i have to "ayolah pak, make up your mind" and he answers "ya emang kamu maunya apa sih dee?" trus "apa aja yang penting maKan, aku laper. mauu pizzaaaa" trus "ah jgn siang2 aja, ntar aja selingan. mau k sabang?" aku "boleh lah apa aja, aku laper bgt nih" yaudah, sampe kota, baru ketemu the old tempat soto madura yg udh lamaaaaaaaa banget, akhirnya MAKAN.

trus katanya mau k glodok beli ac, but ruang tv. tp g jadi2, turns out, we went to electronic city, lumayan lah, bisa k food courtnya. trus beli quickly. and that's the thing. my dad is a huge quickly fan, but he never wanted to buy it himself, instead, he ask me to buy them. tp gpp sih, untungnya k gue jg. tp tetep aja, emg g cape apa naik turun. kalo di tengah jalan, "eh mau beli quickly ah" itu yg tadinya masih deket binus, udh arah mau pulang, mesti muter balik k carfur lebak bulus. oh man, what a great life.

anyways, g jadi beli ac, katanya belom ada yg cocok. yaudah, arah pulang, me and my dad wanted to see pak harto, hehe. we've been there twice plus one more, just to see the atmosphere. before i got into rspp, we saw these group of police, trus my dad said "loh? kok? pak harto meninggal?? pak harto meninggal?? wah wah" mama "engga mas, paling demo penggusuran" trus masih banyak lg convo yg aneh2. trus we got into rspp. it was a HUGE amount of journalists and cameramen and reporters and CAMERAS. that was waiting for anyone to come out. and i passed thru them, and the first thing that i thought is "that's a life" in the lobby, i can hardly pass thru quickly, so we had to be so slow, and people were watching us, i meant the wartawan. wartawannya lebih banyak dr yg kemaren. trus we passed thru the antena vans, where they have the pemancar for each channels, and we chat with the trans tv reporters, that said pak harto membaik. weii. then out of rspp.

soon, we saw the penggusuran pasar ikan itu, udh bersih gt. it was pretty good, but kasian the pedagang ikan, they're like stranded in a smal place gt. it's not strategic either. yaudah, trus pulang, malemnya i had my lesson.

today my parents had pilkada. bye

Friday, January 18, 2008

the week ends with weekends.

hey ssup? i have time to play computer for like.. 90 minutes, yep 1 and a half hours to spend. nice math, filza. speaking of math, today i learn more abt trigonometry. i loooooove it. well i like the basic, looking forward to the next step, hehe. after thinking about the term test that the school makes, that will fix our previous grades, i have to get 10 to be able to get 6.5, how sick is that?

yea yea. at least i get a second chance! thank you binus. BUT i still have to work harder am i rite? yes you're rite filza. yea.

i'm kinda tired. eh tadi ada yg jayus gt over an ipod touch, haha. sorry, person.

i'll catch up with ya laetah (later). BUH-BUH-BUH- BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

i'm in english

hey guys! i'm in english searching for holocaust pictures. u may think its boring, but its actually not. i looove the history. somehow i think i was born with it, but i'm not. i would looove to be a part of it. what's funny is that today, in class (i'm in library now) we were told to make a movie SUMMARY, but instead i wrote a movie REVIEW. haha, so i have to start over. and the movie summary is pretty long too. i'm currently searching thru the holocaust pictures and it's scary. shockingly scary.

my dad saw my report, and he said my 3.1 score for math is not school score. he was planning to move me to other school, but he didnt. he talk to peter about it, and he said that its okay, cos the average is 5, and i got 3, it's fine. but he's really serious about moving me to other school. he already prepare for all my reports to be given to the principal. my god, i'm terrified. but thank god, i didnt. now i love binus more than ever. but i cant go anywhere, i have a farewell party on friday, but i cant come. i have a plan on friday, i might not come. i have a camp next week, i'm not allowed to attend, instead, i have to attend the apt test in school next next saturday.

so probably i'll blog like every 5 days now? yep. i could blog at home, but not if my mom's around. maybe in february i'll start blogging everyday again, she said she's planning to see my brother for a month, with my dad. YEAH!

maybe that's it for now, my teachers checking on everyody, peace out. cya later, alligator!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

i'm like, grounded. my mom will give the test scores to my dad next week. i'm dead. seeya in the future peeps.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


i'm home, kinda alone. my parents are away for a jog. i refused to go, since its in podok indah, 2 rounds feel like a year. i hate it. so i decided to stay home, and blog. if that's the right thing to do.

today i have plans, i have to go to the edu exhibition in senayan. and i hope i'll get to meet my bro's counselor! so hot.

i have nothing to do, nothing to say (verbally). a! i still have magnum in the fridge, ah tapi impossible to eat icecream in the morning yah.

i really really REALLY want a handycam. no, seriously. i need one. i see that requests are coming, and my saticfaction to make movies leads me to one thing.. a handycam. i mean i never had one, and my dad is a guy who wants the best. like if i want a handycam, and i found a good handycam with a great price, he searches for the another one that has greater specs. thus, greater price. daddy! u just gonna ruin the whole having-a-handycam-as-soon-as-possible wish! tapi g enak juga sih. since he doesnt know anything abt my report, it makes me think. i dont deserve another gadget or whatever. rite? deep down inside the guilt is ruining the whole thing. and i'm afraid if later on my dad buys me one, and i didnt do my best on my study, i'm dead.

i'm just waiting for the clock to strike 9. they have good shows on mtv at 9, even tho no TRL, maybe they're gonna show made or any good shows.

later at maghrib i have a math lesson with buy, and i have a lot of homeworks due next week. for math! i see that i began to underdtand math w/ ms.angay teaching. she's so passionate, and so patient (is that how you spell it?) when teaching, and i believe she can lead me to a good score later in the final exam. oya, did i tell you that the school added an extra term exam for this semester? its so sick of them.

i have to buy new books too. i have to buy one for drama, since mr.c wants the blank pages notebook, and i need to buy the clip board.

that's it for now. till then, bubye. oyea, cant wait till next friday guys!

Friday, January 11, 2008


don't you realize that every title of every posts in my blog are always about the scream. i meant my scream. my thoughtful scream, ah. ha ha

so tadi was our first Friday in 2008. i meant school Friday, the free dress one? yea, never mind that. it was fun i should say, it was good.

I'm chewing juicy fruit tablets, I've finished 4 tablets in 1 hour, continuously. and never know nor even care the reason why i'ms o addicted to tablets chewing gum. i know, i'm such a unique person on the inside, how touching. alrite, moving ooon.

on the winter holiday i shopped for my stationaries in some bookstore next to my oldschool. its new, and my mom and i said we'll give it a try, and by that i mean we'll see how it goes there. and so from what i observed, i see that the price is somehow cheaper than gramedia. and it's sepi too, so filza likes. and i found colorful paperclips that attracted my eyes, it's so eyecatching. well then i bought them. and now, those paperclips are next to me. and as i stare at them, they look even more attractive to me now! and that's thpoint of the whole paragraph, how silly. sorry for that.

omg i missed cory and the house! ah, bapuk.

anyaaaa, we just found our heartthrobs for 2008! and there are a lot of them. and they're all hot! omg, i can feel the summer, summerset!

i'm watching naturally sadie now. i've watched this. so i'll stop watching for a while, i suppose.

MAROON 5'S ON! ON MTV! it's not like i totally love them or anything. i just like the way they perform, and they perform well. but too bad the drummer guy had to leave the band. or decided, i'm not sure. if he decided or even tired of the band, shame on you maroon 5's former drummer whatever your name is! oh i just figured it was their showcase maroon 5 at 45th night! NOW NOTHING LAST FOREVER'S ON! OKAY I GOTTA WATCH. ada kanye west loh. keren abis.

and i kinda need to watch august rush. it's a great movie.

that's it for now. i'm bored blogging. gtg for tv. BYE

Thursday, January 10, 2008

heyho noho!

i just got back from jalan pagi. or morning jog. it was seriously sunny today, really hot (or is it just me? :D) but i got a lot of sweats, so it's good. i burn caaaalorieees. then i went to find breakfast, since i dont wanna go to some fancy restaurants, i chose benhil! i love the food, so i went to this nasi uduk warung, and my mom had a chat with the lady who owns the place, even tho its just a warung, but i can say that she gains a lot of money. and the food was awesome too.

after dine, my parents told me to buy a hat. i hate those round hats, the one like half a ball. neither one of those punk hats. and so i decided to buy one of those army hats that has a little touch of square at the top part, yknow? nvm. i was forced to do so. i hate hats.

YAY! i just got an isaac mizrahi pants! it was the one isaac mizrahi for target tho, nnot the expensive ones. haha, but finally! i'm so frikkin happy! i love you mom. and dad. who loves the pants so much :D

and my dad, again, force me to try on this nasi padang yg katanya enak banget. iya sih, tp g banget. he said he wouldnt eat it cos he would get fatter. i agree, he's super fat.

and my plans for today is salon, again. si ariani ngajak, yaudah. i need some pedicure, haha. or just creambath is enough.

my bro just went bowling with this guy from indo, how gay. haha no lah, he's straight kok. just weird, he went bowling with his temen les from jkt, it was a male bonding time, ew. no filza, not gay. haha, sorry bro

and for my friends, i'm sorry i couldnt come, i'm kinda grounded, and i males. trus ada pertandingan bola di senayan, i'm afraid of traffic so, sorry. gtg, i need to put my pants on, i'm pantsless now, hehe. ciao

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

2nd day is simply fine.

it's the 2nd day of school binusians. aaaaaand tomorrow's holiday! how cool is that, it's only the 2nd day but no class in the next 24 hours?! YAY isaac's on with this giiiirl i love, i totally love! but unfortunately i forgot her name. she's the host of the 'how do i look?' show. ohmygod she's fantastic! she's like this conservative girl, works in a fashion magazine. but no, she's a fashion critics who was born in the punk era in london (she just said that just now, haha) and she's fkkin fabulous!
oyeah, they just put her name on the screen, FINOLA HUDGES. she's fabulous.

just like Yves Saint Laurent said "Fashion come & go, but style is forever," and that is effin true. fashion is all about what's hot and what's not (anymore). it goes on & off, and sometimes it freaks people out. and yet, style is personal, am i rite? you can see her style, his style, my style, anyone's style. i personally looooooove turtlenecks, knitwear, winter wears, just anything with layers, really. i have an awesome turtleneck, it's very soooooooft, and it's white! i have a motorcycle jacket, it's black, hot. and i have a boot that i left in my bro's apartment, since the baggage was full. haha! and yet cannot wear it since it is sooooooo tropical in this country! HOWEVER, what's cute (or confusing) about fashion is that as what jay manuel said "from skinny jeans, now baggy pants," and bobbi brown said "but that's what's great abt fashion, jay. you have soo many choices but still be in style" and i AGREE. and i didn't copy that from somewhere, i was tuning in when it was time for fashion week spring collection (haha so long ago). but i didnt get to see much sih. i only watched michael kors, marc jacobs, zac posen, a bit of diane von furstenburg i think. and the project runway finalists. and i watched the collection of the first season winner of the project runway collection, but frankly, i think the second season FINALISTS, were better than the first season WINNER. how weird, haha. he should be the senior.

but anyways, i'm looking forward to see monique lhuillier's collection, because she did the wedding dress for guiliana depandi and it was gorgeous! even the bridesmaids dresses are ohmygod. beautiful! cause she likes to put sash (or however u spell it) on the waist, and make a ribbon out of the not-that-wide sash. it was fabu!

and i need to find out more abt the fall collection. i checked out michael kors' and i have to tell you, i'm speechless. i told you i love layers, and to see those coats, just blew me away in a snap. but i'm too lazy to check out marc jacobs, it's kinda boring as time flows. i really like zac posen. i think he experiments on different patterns, and colors as well. yet, keep them in the fall-winter theme. also sass & bide from australia, they're so good! it's not really french-italian-too-much style but it was laid-back. even tho it's spring fall summer winter doesn't matter, their designs are over the top, but not too over the top (loh?). and it's nice to have great designers from the other part of the earth. and close to indo too, hehe. and inside the country, i really like ronald v gaghana and adjie notonegoro, and ivan gunawan's shoe line (those shoes r gorgeous!) r.v. gaghana's is more of a pastel soft collection, flowers with no beads. and adjie is more experimental, so we can see different aspects of his, but still awesome. one time i saw his batik collection, i think he's a genius.

i love every bit of fashion, haaha.

ok no more fashion. but feel free to ask me for fashion advice :D

i'm tired typing, i wanna go web surfing. buh bye.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

too cool for schoooooooooool

ih filza title nya g banget.

today was the first day of school in 08! and i thought it was fuuuuun. i met new friends, make friends with a few new students, and the best part of all is meeting my friends! omg, it was so good. well, that's not the best part, here comes tghe best part, DRAMA! weeheee. so cool. finally au revoir painting equipments hello acting!

and teacher changes for some subjects. i like my new teachers! ms bernadette was sooo cool. she explains it well, but thebad news is, she will only probably substitute for the pregnant shelly. MAN, how could this happen to me? i made my mistakes.. i've got no where to run.. The night goes on as I’m fading away I’m sick of this life I just wanna screeeaaaaam!

oookay, enuf for the sadness filza, back to the fun. ooh! i got ms angai too. at least she's nice enuf to explain, not ambitious. i got mr. lloyd for bio! gudbye janet! i got ms.monica for chem, fair enuf. ms.ratri for natcur! and the best of all, mr.c for drama! yeah!

new gossips for some reasons.

well, we cant resist plus deny that. lol.

and mr.peter just informed us about this morning assemblies that we will have for 3 times in a week. how boring my binus life is.

ok, enuf for today's story or ceritera (haha, i'm using malays) talk to ya later bloggers or readers (what am i saying?) wtf. ciao!

Monday, January 7, 2008


soo i was thinking, maybe i need to have a fresh new layout for a new year. not quite a change for the new year, i'm just kinda bored. and so i was searching thru tons of skins, and i got the best 2. one is a little simple, this one. and another one is london, which is my dream destination, and the color pallette seems nice as well. and since anya is online, i asked her, and she picked this one. and i agree, because at the first place, i was searching for dark yet contrast coloured with a peaceful, simple atmosphere. and i found this. but my concern is the base color outside the box is kinda dull. but let's just see.

so i guess, please tag, and let me know what you think. thx, peace out.


WAIT, THERE'S A SHOCK! chris brown was on ellen! and i misseda part of his performance?? why? dude, why? man, u're trippin. haha. man, i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE chris brown, he's effin hot.The whole retardos love him. cos he's super talented, and his voice just blew me away, man. woah, happy birthday is on... hold on a sec,


so me & nandra were talking on the phone one time. and we list some frontmans who can pull off suits. kyle obviously pull off white suits, pierre pulled-off red suits (isn't that hot?) in the simple plan video. and that's all we ever talk abt. haha, we freaks. ok filza, that kinda didn't make sense. or just simply jayus.

but anyways, tomorrow's SCHOOL! oh-my-gravy schooooool! and you know what i've notice just now, hero/heroine is an on deck video! how could you people, you're insane. and with you is number 10?! for music's sake people, what are you thinking of when voting these days? they should be on top, man.

hey, is on! i'm not into him or anything, it just rhymes! hey, j holiday, get it? ah, nevermind.

today i'm planning to finish my book(s) if possible. cos my tante is not coming for math lesson, and i have to wait for my mom. and i'm not going anywhere today. just here, with my dad who's sick. wow yay (not).

later, food's waiting ;p

Sunday, January 6, 2008

look at me

my gravy I'm dead bored. I'm not quite paying attention to the TV screen. at all i suppose. i mean it's High School Musical. but at this point of time, it's showing work this out, my favorite part, so i think i have to tune in for a while...

work.. work.. work this out!

i have no serious (nor spontaneous) intention of watching the scene after, not even saying a word about it.

anyways, i'm bored bored bored.

oyea, i'm filling up my new playlist, myspace playlist, i mean my myspace playlist, ah whatever. the music of myspace unsigns are beautiful. by the way, i found colbie caillat's song on myspace, and loving it. since she's a recording artist i dont think i should put her on the playlist.. rite? oh well.

i realize that now, i'm more interested in acoustic soul, not plain acoustic. i do like song covers - covers as in singing somebody's song- and put it in a different way. like this guy named chris, he covers cupid's chokehold in acoustic (ain't that funny?) but it was awesome! i personally think he's a genius. maybe a little gavin degraw might work, or elliot yamin. also this guy eric hutchinson, i like a few songs of his, but i do love one song. i think it's close to gavin and elliot. (ok, so is it elliot or elliott?) whatever. jimmy robbins top hits are good, he's not great from what i think though. i like a few, few are souls acoustic. some are just weird acoustic. sorry jimmy :p but way to go, guys!

i now listen to frank sinatra as well, i bought buble's mp3 and it has sinatra in it. he's amazing! i mean he past away, but i can tell ya he's awesome! i love jazz now (for singing, mostly). cos i know, sometimes i cant control my voice. and if i sing something like kelly clarkson, it's really BAD. and when you sing jazz, you really can experiment yknow, like put improvs, or even just say the words, it becomes music still. i do love robbie williams when he sings those blues, it was beyond awesome. i mean he has those extra je ne sais qoi. even better than buble :p my parents always listen to it in the car when the album came out. like about 5 years ago. i was impressed by his swing when you're winning album, he was brilliant.

YAY NEW SEASON OF OPRAH! i'm not bored anymore. buh bye.


i just finished my dilisyes (delicious, haha) magnum ice cream, it was beyond good. however, there was a certain routine i did before i eat the magnum. i peel off the chocolate dressing or however u call it. i dont really like chocolate. i know its good, but choc is not my thang, halah sok gangsta.

2 more days of holiday, binusians!

and for me : YAY!

I think it's kinda weird, but it's true. i miss my school, my friends. and my teachers (dont freak out) well not all of em, just some. MxPx is coming, they're having a show. it's affordable i can say, well i cant say cheap rite, different when you say cheap show. haha. but anyways, they will be here around the 16th if i'm not wrong. it cost 100 thou - 150 thou. but i dont think i'm coming, cos i'm attending this event a day before my birthday, and i think it's gonna cost a lot. james blunt is coming! omg, YAY! i like him, maybe he has a few boring songs, but when he's performing, u can really see from his eyes, that he really mean the words that come out of his mouth.. how charming.. plus, he's an ex-army : hot! and for the 08 java jazz festival, renee oldstead is coming! but i'm not coming tho, i see that i wanted to come to see her only. so it's kinda worthless, except if i get free tix to the show, i would =p i wanna save for james blunt ;p
enuf talk for concerts.

yesterday i went to the movies w/ aca. i watched national treasure, as i wanted. and i met ms.mariza, and had a few chit-chats. she's on a date w/ her hubby, mr. erdolfo. national treasure was awesome, but not fucking awesome. i like the 1st one better, it was funnier. this was funny, but not fkkin funny. haha, i use the "F" word a lot, becos i just saw atonement, and the james mcavoy character (oh, he's smokin hott), robbie has a friend who's an army too. he's really nice. and when he's drunk and he's ambitious, he said that word a lot, like it has 10 seconds gap. haha. it was so funny.

Btw, this is a line from atonement :

The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.

it hits.

sooo talk to ya later!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


so this is like what.. 7 in the morning? and i'm waiting for acha to get up. with only a glass of water and my computer, i'm awake! stupid stuff, i always wake up at this period of time, and so i'm not a light sleeper, but also not a hard sleeper. but i am asleep when i'm sleepy, so i cant push myself. and i've been sleeping in my old room, since the AC produces drops of water since 2 days ago. the water hits the computer cables, so i'm kinda scared. last nite i watched spiderman, and i'm sorry for anya i didn't reply the sms after dinner, cos i'm sooooooo tired. yesterday's driving lesson was good, my coach said i was good, but i have to make it smoother. on wednesday i'm gonna have to be ready for the big old jeep. yea, no talking abt the jeep now.

today i want to watch National Treasure with aca, since i'm grounded, so i cant go alone to the movies. and my mom is not a movie person. i remember her saying (that makes me laugh) she was a flight attendant, and she only has time to go on a date with my dad if she's not working. that time she was so tired, but my dad ask her to go to the movies. in the moddle of the movie, my mom wasn't paying attention, and she SLEPT. haha, my dad was so into the movie, he found out that my mom was sleeping like at the end of the movie. haha. and so my mom woke up, and ask my dad what was the movie abt, and he said "hah? g ngerti saya.." lol. So my parents r not into movies, yeah.

i hate hate going to bandung. it's not like i hate bandung, but it's so faaaaar, and i hate sitting in the car that long. cos my dad ask us to go there, and i definitely disagree. nope, no.

did i ever tell you how i love siomay ? i LOVE siomay. i have the driving lesson for 3 days in a row, and in front of the office, ada my langganan abang siomay, siomay EF, nandra pasti tau, she's addicted to it. haha. and for the past 3 days, i've been eating siomay, and i never get bored. it's like the best food to eat. i'm a lazy eater. i'm so lazy to eat food at home, and i could skip breakfast, and eat 2 portions of siomay, that's 10 siomays, well not 10, normally i eat 9. after driving, it's like 4 pm, i go straight to the abang siomay and order. udah sore kan, and i'm full. i'm very full, i normally skip dinner. i didn't skip lunch tho, i do brunch. becos i'm so lazy to eat, when i'm not that hungry it has to be around 11 or 12. so yeah. the rst of the time, i'm not hungry at all.

i've been checking myspace music, and i found this guy, he has good music, but he's gorgeous! i can tell ya that. his name is jimmy robbins. OMG, i think he's another myspace heartthrob after joe brooks, rite anya? we have a lot of ht from a lot of different places. from singapore all the way to the north pole (santa baby) haha, kidding. well i have his pictures.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

check out this one, it's amazing

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


siomay rules. fie :]

Friday, January 4, 2008


oya, after arriving in jakarta, i felt like the salon is my heaven, haha. i had my awesome pedicure even tho it's in a hurry cus my mom thought that i only went there for a creambath (it's great too btw) sorry mom. i never had a manicure in my life, well never wanted one actually. cus i would rather have a pedicure everyday than having a manicure once a month. i still have to go there for hair treatments every week, haha yea i'm a salon girl. tinggal ngesot kalo mau k sana, it's a walking distance, i can use a bike to go there, but in fact i never did, my mom always drop me off or i walk by myself. sometimes i go with my salon pals ariani madjid + aem who are now in singapore, and i probably go with them by next week. so this week i'm so lazy going alone. just wait until my mom ngomel-ngomel . i once tried luluran and i hate it. itu geli banget, it's like uggh (i cant say it on the net) maybe i would go for a spa later if someone would go with me, and definitely not ariani haha. cos we've been langganan for the salon for a few years now, at least twice a month, but we never wanted to wear the kemben or the tube tops. even tho it's so grreat, bucos you will have an extra body shoulder massage with the liquid thingy - i dunno wat the is but it's good, not just a pijit pijit. tapi if i go there alone, sometimes i do the kemben, if like after going on a trip. there, i am known as the mba filza yg berambut kribo, haha. pertama kali langganan, i usually go there for catok or temporary hair straightening, halah. like once a month for a few months.. or years. and everytime i go there, the mba2 avoid me, for some reasons, haha. tapi to be honest, i give quite a high tip for those who catok my hair, cos believe me, its A LOT of work to catok my hair, it takes for about 1 & ahalf hours for only catok. and plus creambath, it's like more than 2 hours, fiuhh. tapi as it goes my hair only become a disaster, very dry on the outside, so my mom told me to have a hair treatment for as often as i can. dulu cuman once a month, tapi lama2 i need more and more, and i'm addicted to it, yasud lah.

my mom is a very critical person, once i tried this strawberry creambath, which ariani and aem likes, and it smells really nice - you know how strawberry smells like rite? and so i tried them, becos i usually have the same fruit over the years - avocado. once i get in the car, my mom hate sit. she said ngerangsang banget. yah, emang sih, tapi i like it kok, jd harum. and so i go back to my great avocado retreat, tapi now since a few months ago, i use avocado collagen + seaweed. for a real hair treatment. hehe.

so enuf talks about my HAIR. haha

so my daily life after vacation was excruciatingly boring. everyday i have a math lesson with my tante, plus driving lesson with my driving coach. and you know what, yesterday hampir nabrak! sebenernya salah ornya disebelah sih, main masuk. cuman kyk tinggal dikit lagi gitu, hehe. trus pas tanjakan mesin MATI. soalnya gasnya dilepas sm gue. haha. tp ktnya no problem sih. what i'm scared of rite now is for the last meeting, i have to drive an OLD JEEP. for the big tanjakan, like for those who lives near bintaro knows that in fambloyan, there's this big tanjakan, it's really high. i think this lesson used for the SIM trial, cos i have seen in the car pool, there's the model of the drivers license test drive, and there's this big tanjakan for us to go thru. tapi what my concerne is, from what i know, jeep is super big, and enormously hard. so i dunno what it feels like, i think i just have to sit back, relax, and not think about it. just wait for the day to come. and i'll tell you a secret. i said to the mba in the carpool, that i have school on monday, so it will be moved to wednesday. haha, and i told my mom i dont wanna have any lessons the day before school starts, well in fact i'm just... scared, aaaaaa!

haha, enuf for this post, cya later!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

brangelina :(

brangelina.. FYI, it's not what you think it is. ok, it's not pitt & jolie that i was talking about, readers. it's my beeaaauuuutiful turtles! ok so nowadays, i feel so bad for them cos ever since i got them, i've only been feeding them for like i dunno, less then 15 times? yeah. and they've been my pet for a few months now, almost a year! i could see that they're growing, cos believe me.. brad has gone so big. he's shell is harder now than it is before. and so even tho they are my pet, i never really think that i have been the one raising them. yes, i know, i have school. so every morning i never really got the chance to clean their aquarium and feed them as well. i might feed them afterschool, but i just forgot, or i dont know, i dont know what i was thinking. have you ever get a feeling when you think you see a person or a pet that really close to you or your heart, and watch them growing without your help, it's kinda sad in the fact that it's yours? it's like a mom see her kid growin without knowing how or what to do all those years. i'm the one who always wanted a pet, becos i think having an animal in the house gives you an extra something, an extra je ne sais quoi to your homes, not exactly an extra member of the family, but something that you can think of when you're homesick or something, am i right?

now i dont know what to do :( help!


january 2nd 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy 2008!


bali pt.3

the next day, WATERBOM! yay. with jo & della and her sister. and rana too. we had A LOT of fun. it was worth the expenses. the boomerang was the best slide of all. and i hate jo for lying to me. but anyways, it was so fun! and the evening i went to the sanur beach, and there are no wave! haha. it was very calm, and enjoyable. nandra had a manicure with nail art for 25 thou! so great. and i caught some objects for photos. it was cool. malemnya, we were sitting on the couches, beside the pemeriksaan thingy. trus i heard someone humorously said "oya, periksa pak periksa pak" once i look, he was throwing his hands and boogie like he doesn't care, hey! halah. moving on, trus in a glance, i saw this afro guy, young. trus i look back. trus it seems familiar ya. trus me and nandra look back again, "itu bukannya giring nidji ya?" "eh iya!" hahahahah, bego abis. "fie, brani ga lo minta foto?" "ngga ah! haha, dya mau liburan ngga ya nan?" "iya kali, apa show? gtau deh" " emang dasar kembaran gue... ckck"

and the 5th day sari said she was going to sanur beach, and we walk all the way to the seawalker place, and SHE WAS ALREADY GONE! sariii! padahal nandra udh pengen bgt. yasud, we played. and when we were taking shells, there's this kid, named harry, he came up to us and play. he was throwing corals, BIG CORALS. man, that kid. and he asked us to go to the rocks, and nandra took care of his little brother, jamie he's too cute. and check out some crabs, kids. but anyways, we went down to the sands again and play. and he literally jump to the ship! and wont come down! omg, it was a lot of hard work. hampir aja tu anak mau dibawa pegi! ok, it was over. and we said gudbye.

the last day was coming. ugh so fast. we planned to play watersport in benoa with della. and we did! it was sooooooooooooooooooooooo fun! we played banana boat all of us, and the water was so fuckin salty! and we couldn't get up to the boat right after being drowned. and then it was fast again, me n della was switching seats, becos i was at the very back, and in front of me it was her, and the second time, i got the second from the back, ha! and then i played flyfish. it was only for 2, so me and della only. nandra's w/ her brother. we were so excited, and FLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYY! i literally fly, i mean it's a flying fish, waddoya expect?