Sunday, August 31, 2008

ternyata album sara bareilles ga sebagus itu -___-

easy listening, yes. but it didnt cause goosebumps.

unlike taylor swift.

sara bareilles menang cover doang -__-

taylor swift rocked my foot.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

IM.. historical, hysterical.

anya: ok lebay

filza: peter + gabe + budi + david apa anthony
anya: HAHAHAHAHAHA gue ngakak
anya: yang ada gabenya
anya: peter ama budi
anya: trus david...
anya: ama gabe?!


si warren jg sama aja, pertama pmnya

"can't smile without you"



gaul. hha

gabe: go sleep
filza: u go
filza: count sheep
gabe: i will
gabe: with calculator

filza: but i do appreciate my mom and dad for giving me such bloods so i can survive
gabe: lol thats deep
gabe: :|
gabe: yea atleast we have bloods huh
gabe: think abt those...
gabe: uh corpse..
gabe: with no bloods..
gabe: :|

anya gabe sama aja -___- jayus(dan lebay)nya ga nahan.

filza: u want pictures from the exchange?
zack: lol i was about to ask for pictures
zack: filza, u read my mind
filza: .....
zack: photobucket?
zack: as in on facebook?
filza: noo
filza: just open the site
zack: wait
zack: u mean u tried to send me a link?

zack is a self-proclaimed information-illiterate.

sarrie: *worried*
filza: santai aja sar
filza: the point of relationship is to find a pillow
filza: to lean on
sarrie: huahahahahha keren jg tu
sarrie: dapet dr mana?
filza: temen gue pas di camp nembak temen gue
filza: "liv, kyknya.. gue kyknya udh ketemuin deh, bantal yang bisa nemenin gue"
sarrie: HUAHAHHAHAHA itu ngenyekk.. (seperti biasa -__-)

sarrie says:

"...filza has been gotikrized....

ayo fie bergotik ria bersama saya.."

omg, susanna

yang satu ini bukan di chatroom tapi parahnya super.

filza: sar, gue masih stress..
sarrie: sabarr fie.. *ngeliat2 buku* iya sih fie.. keliatan dr tulisan lo..
filza: O.O emang tulisan gue kayak gt sar...


reuben: oi
reuben: gua ud ktmu bhsa kren baru lagi ni
reuben: coba lu tanya k gua
reuben: 'ben lu homo y?'

filza: lo mau selingkuh sm siapa? andrew
reuben: holy fuck
reuben: i aint gay
reuben: knp y smua org hates the fact that im not gay
filza: ure not gay, ure homo
reuben: kan
reuben: but thats ok lah
reuben: deep down i feel very heterosexually

reuben -__- seksualitas masih dipertanyakan haha

andrew: apaan si artinya afk?
rayner: away from keyboard dodol

naida: rambutnya
naida: kyk mangkok
reuben: tai tu rambut kalo jatoh dipake alay main bola

cims rule.

there are loads. but i couldnt beat the futility to put it all out here.

memang ada yg jayus. mohon dimaklumi. haha bye

i drew your initial on my palm this morning, hoping it was your hand.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

speech thing tomorrow, quite nervous.

i just youtubed stuff, and found out how bondoc touched my heart for one more moment.

yucky, filza. lebay.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

know that group in facebook titled "i was doing my homework and i ended up on facebook"?

well, i was doing my homework and i ended up on blogger.

was doing my speech for a competition, i researched her quotes and stuff. and found "I didn’t want to be a cosmetic diva wearing high heels and make-up, prancing around at the celebrity functions."

and so, i realized that in making a business, do not aim for celebrities to use your product. i know, they are role models, but by making your products cost a fortune, your products will not be loved by the world. Celebrities and fortunates are only a small piece of the world. It is better to create something affordable, with a great path finding. meaning that your products, has a good quality and surely will attract the customers. however, there's a huge gap between selling products which "feels cheap" and "cheap". The first one regards to the quality of your product, and make sure that your product doesnt "feel cheap". and the second one pertains to cost, and which target of the customers you want to aim for. and yet, still keeping a good quality for the product.

and yea, now i sound like a business and man geek. it just popped, you know me.

gtg, wait for nandra to come back.
homeworks galooooore >.<

i miss cheisy. spiritually. she hasnt been around for a few days. the last time she was here is when we played online. when we chose the combo over the jonas borthers. although LJ is now out of the list, for me.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

the month of the ACP is coming! ACP, CCA, same thing.

well, i'm quite happy with the fact that the school offers 65 frikkin ACPs for this year. It's like, 65! haha but nonetheless i already started mine. Most definitely i'll be joining debate, in which my self-proclaimed "supervisor" slash whatever (haha) pushed me to. we even have an online ACP. unfortunately, (i dont know if this is karma or what) theatre guild ACP will have MY FAIR LADY for this semester's production for crying out loud! i was so pissed. i told mr.c i'll not be joining anymore, but still. its crazy. ugh.

i'm soo soo sooo depressed by all the pressure. school. friends. stuff. wtfs.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The capacity of hope has gone

Gone along with my beliefs of life

Diverse thoughts of people has aroused me to rip the head of mine.

Although i still have a heart to lose

So which one goes first?

I’m afraid i can’t close my eyes anymore

I’m afraid i can’t burst in tears any longer

Nonetheless i have to die

I need to die

Kill me.

omg, haha i cant blv redha has a blog. but of course, no one beats me in the family :p

and of course, he talks about those university craps which is totally boring compared to mine. haha be jealous, red. and he admitted that mine is vastly inspiring. haha, no i just made that up. and we made a deal not to spill what-so-ever thing said in each other's blogs. or else...

"like brother like sister" and unlikely, our mom is totally computer illiterate.

and btw, he exaggerates most of the time, so never mind the tags he wrote.
i better go dress up. ciao

Sunday, August 17, 2008

i found some stories. quite interesting

Billy loved Katie with all his heart. But he never told a Single soul. Katie secretly loved him too. But she thought she would never have a chance with him. Billy asked his friends what they think of her and his friends thought she was gay. They didn't like her at all. So Billy just went along with them. They all made fun of her and made her feel really bad. Katie was so upset.

One day they followed her home from school making fun of her the whole way home. Once she got inside her house she dropped to the floor cringe. She had a crush on Billy since 3rd grade. She didn't know what to do. When Billy got home he felt real bad about what he had done. So he decided to go to Katie's house to tell her he was sorry and that he really loves her.

When he got there he knocked on the door no one answered.

The door was open so he walked in. He walked into the living room and found Katie lying dead on the floor. She had slit her wrists. Billy was so up set . He knew it was his fault she killed her self. And now he could never tell her how he really felt.

The lesson of this story is: Don't wait to until the last minute to tell someone how you really feel. Because it just might be too late. And don't always go by what your friends say, follow your heart.

aww :)




anyaaa : stfu dickhead
clean slate : u stfu whorebag
anyaaa : ugh!
anyaaa : omg filza go say smth mean
Filzaa : proud and outstanding IB student

clean slate : now its the jonas whores
anyaaa : wrong move gabe
Filzaa : JONAS BROTHERS, please!
anyaaa : filza might kill you rite now
clean slate : oh :|
clean slate : sry. i meant
clean slate : jonas hoes

clean slate : funnily
Filzaa : i was like screaming and anya was like looking at cone
anyaaa : omg he looked hot
clean slate : oh i thought u mean corner
clean slate : cone is a human?

clean slate : u still felt the shake
clean slate : move here
clean slate : no earthquakes
anyaaa : we're gonna shake shake
clean slate : like beyonce shake? :-O
Filzaa : corny alert

clean slate : i think its pretty serious
clean slate : it might severe our ties
clean slate : whatever ties we have now

from cesi's blog.

(11:14 PM) clean slate: hey. how come a person playing piano is called a pianist but a person driving race car is not called racist?
(11:14 PM) Filzaa: cuz it's weird when you say PIANER

(11:15 PM) clean slate: hey you know that saying love is blind?
(11:15 PM) anya: AND?
(11:15 PM) clean slate: then how can you belive in love at first sight?

(11:25 PM) Filzaa: yeah, racist
(11:25 PM) anya: im nottt
(11:25 PM) clean slate: racist
(11:25 PM) clean slate: i h8 u
(11:25 PM) anya: yeah, RACIST!
(11:25 PM) anya: i loathe you.
(11:25 PM) clean slate: i loathe'r u
(11:25 PM) clean slate: beat dat emu
(11:25 PM) anya: i loathe-est you.
(11:25 PM) clean slate: ..ok

(11:31 PM) anya: falisahtongxiongchai batisah binti jamilah. thats filza's new name
(11:32 PM) clean slate: :-O
(11:32 PM) clean slate: i pity your husband
(11:32 PM) Filzaa: ah, i hate u
(11:32 PM) clean slate: he'll have to pronounce when he weds you

(11:33 PM) Filzaa: GOAW I HATE YOU ANYA
(11:33 PM) anya: wtf is goaw?
(11:33 PM) Filzaa: HE'S THE PRESIDENT
(11:33 PM) clean slate: ok?
(11:33 PM) Filzaa: AND A SAVIOR
(11:33 PM) clean slate: and hes hitler's bro?
(11:33 PM) anya: i can die laughing.
(11:33 PM) Filzaa: of course not
(11:33 PM) clean slate: anya is a liar come back to planet earth, dude! fuckin miss 3 of us talking.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I see things divergently, on the grass of grieve.

I was senseless and ignorant, and yet i believe in dignity.

I gathered up my bits of brain with empty hands everyday, but i’m not able to retain.

I live life the way it goes, but never had the urge to discover,

though phenomenon is faintly perceived.

Why would i care?

For i am the only person in this world.

Brazen, and heartless.

I was lost, lost in the middle of nowhere, lost in the thought of you on my way home. i was lost in my own equanimity. And my equanimity was thinking of you. I was shocked. I was shocked when i saw myself alive in the middle of dusk. I was troubled when i horse-ride within this life, that made me jump all the way across the globe. And finally found you.

I was ecstatic when my world finally comes off to a new start, when perseverance are all paid off. Somehow it’s irrelevant how things are moving and how you comprehend the movement. I started babbling about unfortunate things that could happen in another second.

Later that second you scolded me in my unconsciousness. A pleasant surprise, and i thank you for it. However, good things must come to an end. I was on top of the world when i reckon that my lips were stuck to yours. It was the best 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 seconds of my life before i was shattered into a million pieces.

Now I’m only a part of the cement you walked upon every day, hoping to be picked up.

Friday, August 15, 2008

puisi lagi nge-trend. haha, i didnt decide to make one but it popped in my head. so i'll post, pinjem ide ya sari, icha. and other bloggers who made one too. biasa amatur, jadinya maklum kalo norak haha.

kiasan hidup selalu melewati setiap detak jantungku
saat mawar menghampiri , terbanglah pikiran
terbang ke langit ke-7
tapi mengapa hujan menjatuhkan impiku?
airpun tak bisa basahi jiwaku yang terbakar
teriaklah, kalbu.
ambil kayu, biar api takkan padam.
aku lengah akan nyanyianmu
nyanyian setan yang menyita setiap detik hidup itu
hidup remaja bejat yang ingin berlindung
lindungi, biar mereka tak dengar.
akan pedihnya teriakan itu.

Filza, doubtful.
yeay i moved to English A2! HAHA I'M HAPPY. it's so nice, it has that learning atmosphere, unlike English B -_- well despite the fact that i have to read the Scarlet Letter up to chapter 15 this weekend, i'm so glad i made the right choice. and i have a lot to catch up with.

just did my debate thing today, it was fun. as for speech, i'm kinda left behind T-T

Thursday, August 14, 2008

i've created a CAS blog not only for my reflections, but also for informations. feel free to check it out, it's available on the links bar, feel free to ask any question regarding CAS, and feel free to link if you wanna ;p but i'm not pushing haha

ok thx seeyaaaa

Sunday, August 10, 2008

gosh, zack. what takes you so long -__-

Saturday, August 9, 2008

i'm learning to get over it, i'm over it. although cesi didnt believe me. at all. this month is so packed, with school stuff and inter-school stuff. however, it makes me feel more as a high school student. i got a few more confessions to make. and finish my overloaded list of books to read. well the book's are more 'in my face' since it's in my room waiting to take turns.

oh shit, i cant go to A2 for now. i have to wait till october. they'll see my term test. ok larh.

my pimples are sheerly irritating. people said "dont think about it" well hey, it's on my fuckin' forehead, and irritating, how can i not think about it while its always hurting my head or brain whatever. i have this certain skin sensitivity from my dad, genetically. but what makes it different is that he suffered on the body, i suffered on my face which creates severe acne 'flood'.

i think experience is the best teacher in the whole wide world.

i'll start an essay about it after i found some reference. haha

i'll see ya

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

life has been pretty darn hard these days, a real life story happens to a very special person. i'm scared. last night, i was so shocked, i could hardly breathe. and questions started to popped in my mind. "can i really except and be normal about it?" "but who am i to judge?" it was just so serious, i cant even study by myself. and coming back to school was my drug, just to calm myself down. and learn.

no i became so interested in biology. cell rocks. thank god i dont feel so geeky.

unlikely, i feel like such a scumbag :(( i have a confession to make. im just finding it hard how to say it right.

this fakking circumstance had gone too wrong. but as cesi said "how can you be so calm about it? youre too nice fie." but my question is how can i say anything? i dont even know what to say, i cant judge. besides, swearing is not my thing. i guess i need to make another campaign "not to swear much when you're in a shock" i guess that'll do much in our lives, eh? if no.. never mind.

fak. oh boy, i just swore. lets not

i'll pass. see ya

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i'm in complete shock right now. cant think, cant speak, cant get out of my seat. basically shivered on my seat while typing this shocking post. i cant study, help me.

this is too shocking to end.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Danny is soo hottt <3 and he looks
omg, i love you :D