Thursday, November 27, 2008

omg, TOK was a waste. srsly, i was like "sir, is this a typo?" and he was like "no, i cant answer if it's a typo or not" and he ended up not answering any single question. GOSH, dont come then. shoo shoo

i'm pretty pissed. anyway, i wanna get on the dance floor dancing to lady gagagagagagagagagagagagagagagaga haha such a cute name

i have business tomorrow, and i'm like... lazy. you can tell, huh?

i want jiffest! this year they're using fx as a venue! yes yes yes. i wanna watch WORLDS APART but it's night time dang. and loads of free screenings! haha nandraaaaaa it'll be better than last year. srsly fuuuuuuuuuun. i'll see ya there!

4 more subjects! wish me luck, people. virtual prayers count!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


DAYYYMMM HARD. it was fuckin' a lot! god, itgs the term was godawful! i didn't finish. godddd ugh.

wish me luck on today's. bahasa...... i hope it goes well. and it has to anyway, so yea cross your fingers X.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

have you ever felt like you actually regret thinking about somebody in a bad way, cause people change you know, and that person might eventually change too as time rolls, right? well, it's happening to me now. and shoot, yeah.

i can't believe that the nicest person i can think of NOW, is the person i used to say the non-boyfriend material one back then. its sooo disturbing, and really, it is.

i regret, seriously, if i can turn back time i would. but the good thing is he's not the kind of person who turns back the page. so he's on to NOW. and i like that.

i know i'm being SUPER melancholic right now, but srsly, you guys. DONT EVER -at least- make promises or swear (hear that, anya) on somebody cus you'll eventually, at some point, think about them. and its a great feeling now, i'm telling you, and it just sucks to recap all those unfortunate moments :(


Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'VE BEEN TAGGED by Cheisy Zefanya :):)
now here goes

Answer the questions below, do a Google image search with your answer, take a
picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of
explanation.Tag 5 other people to do the same once you've finished answering every question.

1. The age you'll be your next birthday

my sweetest seventeen :)

2. A place you'd like to travel to

anywhere with unicef

3. You're favourite place:

bedroom is so love

4. You're favourite food.

nothing beats mcd's apple pie

5. My favourite pet

if only he's real :(:(

6. Your favourite colour combination

it's a lot.. but i'm standing strong for this one :)

7. Your favourite piece of clothing

trench coats! if only i own one :(

8. Your favourite all time song

hits by coldplay. inevitably awesome.

9. Your all time favourite TV show

my eyes just open everytime lizzie's on :p

10. First name of your significant other/crush


11. The town in which you live


12. Your first job

anything for opraah

13. Your dream job

someone like Ian Wright. travelshow-host!

14. A bad habit you have

clutter :(

15. Your worst fear


16. The one thing you'd like to do before you die

complete my call

17. The first thing you'll buy if you get $1000000

a strategic penthouse. awesomeee

1. Sariee
2. Johanna
3. Clariszaa
4. Redha
5. Andrew

i learned a lot about leadership from campp but unfortunately we didnt take any picture on the late night (scary candle) meeting haha but ok. i was glad that everyone shared something and was sooo sincere. honesty was the word :) thank you for the rest of the activities and glad everybody followed :) AND I DIDNT GO TO THE LABRYNTH :( but oh well. see the maze doen there in the photo?



Saturday, November 1, 2008

at last..


it was awesome as hell, yeah!

incredible work. *standing ovation*

the movie was soooooo great! it was beyond my expectations. the choreography was BREATH-TAKING. to watch it on the premiere day was also a hard work facing those obsessive kids. srsly, it was awesome. i'm speechless. really.
one question: can i try being one of the character's understudy? if possible :D

haha sure not.

it's a dream <3>


i'm too nice, i'm actually granting yo wishesss, bloggeerz. haha jk pals.

hello people of the world, i haven't post for aggggesss maaann. sick as hell, i know. well not quite, i actually tried to post the other day, and that other day was like... a week ago. i tried to post on the frggin iGoogle, which i was excited about. that day, however, it got screwed, something refreshed and whooossshhhh ... my super quite long post swept away. great job, webbie! but anyways, i'm kinda sick of this layout skin thing, i might as well changed it to the old one. haha, i love that one. unfortunately... it's boring. i'll think it over.

this week was soooooo fuuuuuuunn, thanks to ALL TEACHERS for all the hard work in the making of Unity in Diversity week. it was a huuuge success, and i was so proud of my school nao. the "curtain call" of UiD was starvaganza, or as anya liked to call it *vgnz, which was pretty cool there, anya. and starvaganza was magnificent! it was a-w-e-s-o-m-e. even though it was tiring for 5 of us (with the exception of aryandi -__-) but it was all paid off. my favorite was the ethnic part of the phillipines tribal dance thingy, the bollywood dance, aaanndd pak ade+mr.sadrakh were totally funny. oh and the saman dance + choir of the PSG was awesome too, these ladies were on top this year, bravo! and bravo to all of the performers!

haha orang nyasar ;p

mr.c stole the show, woot woot <3>

the saman!

and i still cant blv those are my teachers.... dancing. awesome job, everybody! :):):)

I <3>